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My phone rings inside the bed as I search for it. It's still dark outside. "Hello?" I answering finally finding it. "Where you?"

"I was sleep. You still at the hospital?"

"Yeah he's up. He'll be discharged today."

"Want me to come pick y'all up?"

"That's fine. You got cash on you? Get some lunch."

"Yeah I do and okay. Let me get dressed."


I lean up carefully moving Chris arm from around me. "Where you going?" He asks startling me. "My brother is being discharged."

"Comere." I walk over to him after sliding my leggings on. "You straight?" He asks pulling me down on him. "A bit sore but I'm good. You've asked me this a million times."

He smirks, "I just want to make sure your good. You coming back over later?"

"I don't know yet. I can try to."

"It's fine spend some time with your brother. You and Alisha gone be good?"

"I don't even want to look at her right now." Granted she has been helping me keep everything on low with Chris but was she really doing it to be my friend or just so she could have time with Mon while I wasn't around? It's all so shady and I don't know what I'm going to do right now or where we stand. I am glad my brother is okay.

"Alright. I love you."

"I love you too." I lean down and give him a kiss. "I'll call."

"Alright do that."

I pull up to the hospital and Dom and Mon are waiting on me. Dom helps Mon into the front seat and then gets in the back. "Here." I say passing Dom the bag of food.

"This mine?" Mon asks pointing to the drink. I look over at him without saying a word. He grabs it anyway.

We get to the house and I head inside first. Who is this sitting on our sofa? A light skin, muscular, man is sitting on our sofa. "What's up DJ?" Dom says dapping the guy up. "What's good?" He glances over me and looks back at Dom who becomes preoccupied with his phone. "Man what's up nigga?" Mon says.

"Damn Dre was wasn't playing games." The mention of that makes me roll my eyes. They all laugh like it's just the funniest shit ever. Who is this man though? They never bring anyone to the house except for Tyler and Dre. He's a new face.

I hear a knock on the door and see it's Rasheda. I open up and she walks inside. "Girl who is that?" She whispers. "I don't know."

"He's fine as hell." She says staring at me, "Asia let me find out. What you been doing?" She asks then laughs causing Dom and Mon to look back at us. "What's funny?" Dom asks. "Nothing were going upstairs."

We walk inside and see my hair everywhere. I started separating it based on the patterns. "Girl this some good ass hair." Rasheda says running her fingers through it. I'm glad this distracting from whatever she think is different about me. "Welcome To Asia's Dollhouse of Hair."

"That's cute and look at your business cards. It's so cute and girly."


"It's not shedding or anything! How much?"

"I haven't figure all that out yet. For you though I'll take $150 for 3 bundles."

"Bitch you gone be booming. I got you as soon as my check come in."

"Alright cool."

Me and Rasheda spend the rest of the day in my room organizing my hair.

I walk downstairs to see Crystal on the sofa talking to this DJ guy. "Asia you met DJ?" She asks. "No."

"DJ this is Asia Dom and Mon lil sister, Asia this is my little brother DJ."

"What's up?" He says eyeing me down again with those hazel eyes. "Hey."

"Stop looking at her like that." Crystal says. "It ain't a crime to look."

"It is according to my brothers."

"You're a beautiful young lady. I don't blame them."

"Okay rico sauve go find you something to do before I'm planning your funeral."

"When your boyfriend getting back? I'm ready to get to work." DJ says. He's working for them? I proceed to the kitchen and grab a bottle of juice out the fridge. Crystal walks in the kitchen. "It's something different about you."

"What you mean?"

"I don't know Asia. I can't call it yet but it's something."

"I guess Crystal."

Once I'm done with my hair and Rasheda goes home I get ready to settle down for the night. My brothers are out again. I assume looking for Dre to talk. Talking. Who does that?

After caking on the phone with my baby for half the night, I look at phone and it's almost midnight. Dom and Mon still aren't back. I go to text Dom until I hear glass breaking.

I slowly walk downstairs thinking it's DJ or Crystal but it's dark. Not a single light is on. I go back upstairs and see no one else is here. I open the guest room and DJ is knocked out on the bed lightly snoring and half naked.

I shake his shoulder as he slowly opens his eyes. "Someone is downstairs."

"Don't leave this room." He says grabbing the gun off the nightstand then walks out the room. This shit makes no damn sense. This is the second time it's happened. I hit Dom name on my phone. "What's up Asia?"

"Someone is in the house again."

"The fuck? Where DJ?"

"He's going downstairs."

"He strapped?"

"Yes Dom. Where you at? Why you ain't here?"

"We on the way. Stay on the phone till he comes back... I bet that nigga Rock got something to With this." Dom says to Mon.

I jump gasping hearing the gun go off. "Somebody got shot."

"Stop freaking out Asia."

The door opens and DJ walks inside. "That's Dom?" He asks. I nod my head yes. "Let me see." I hand him my phone. "Dom.. it's handled. Call Ty and let him know he got a body to remove... I don't know the nigga... Alright." He hands me back the phone as Dom hangs up.

"He'll be here in a second. You good?"

"Yeah." I walk out of the guest room and back into mine. "Asia." Dom calls out. I walk downstairs. "You good scary?" Dom asks laughing.

"I'm fine Dom. Hearing the shot startled me I ain't know who was shot. Cut me a break." DJ walks downstairs. "Where the hell yo shirt at?" Mon asks.

"Upstairs. I was sleep nigga."

"And you couldn't put one on?"

"You wanted me to get the nigga breaking in or put on a shirt and then do that shit and some happen to yo sister." He says putting a white tank top on.

"You did right. I appreciate it." Dom says. This is the first time I've ever head Dom talking to guy like that and it had to do with me in the same sentence. He didn't threaten to kill him or blow his head off. "It ain't no pressure D. If it was my sister I would want you to do the same."

"I respect that."

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