Chapter 2- Widows wear black

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-Lizzy's POV-

Another day in London. I walked to one of my favorite clothing shops with my maid Paula like on every visit here.

But something was different. I was different. I looked at the floor right in front of my black dress. 'How I hate black... But I have to wear this because-'

The moment I thought about the reason I started crying again. I felt how my maid gently put a hand on my shoulder.

"Dont cry, milady! It was just one card after all. Maybe.. he just needs some time for himself, don't you think?" she smiled at me warmly.

"But... Everyone got it! What if he is truly-" 'No, I have to stay positive! Ciel wouldn't want me to give up now!'

"Paula?" "Yes, milady?" "Let's not stop looking for him, alright?" I gave her a small smile and she smiled back happily. "Of course!" 'Oh, Ciel... Where are you?'

-Ciel's POV-

I sat on one of the chairs near the living room table at the Phantomhives' house in London.

Of course I didn't need it anymore for human needs like eating or resting but I had to have somewhere to plan my next actions.

"Have you got me a new case, Sebastian?" I asked my butler. I had to admit, I did in fact continue my duties for the queen for my family pride's sake but I also was rather bored anyways and I didn't want to make a contract yet with some human just to get one bloody soul.

"Yes, my lord. Multiple ones in fact. But some are more interesting than others..." He handed me some files with the information on the cases in them.

'Although I am now as well one of his kind, I still don't understand how he manages to get everything done so quickly. But I'm still learning. I will probably be better than him one day,' the thought made me smirk.

"Is something funny, master?" "It's nothing, you may leave now while I look through these..." 

-Sebastian's POV-

"Yes, young master," I left the room and closed the door behind me smoothly. 'What was that about? I guess his new species promots his humor quite a bit...' I smirked while finishing to clean the house.

'It has been a while since we've last been here... A lot changed since then... It did indeed...' I was brought back from my thoughts when I heard someone knock on the door.

'Now who could this be?' I hurried to the door and opened it widely. My eyes widened for a second when I saw who stood there on the doorstep.

"Lady Elizabeth?"

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