Chapter 18- Rising up

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-Sebastian's POV-

"Sebastian, prepare a carriage," my master ordered blandly after the blonde boy had finally revealed our destination. "Of course, my lord," I bowed and left walking towards the stable.

Minutes later we were already on our way to London. There was no talking during the ride and Antoine still kept his secrets to himself. 'Why is he still hiding everything from us? His soul will be consumed tonight, will it not? What is the point?' I thought furrowing my eyebrows.

Then the first buildings of England's capital came into sight. "Excuse me, sir, where exactly is our destination?" I asked. Antoine spoke with a shy but also determined tone in his voice, "The Tower Bridge."

My eyes slightly widened at the familiar name as my master's probably did as well. It is the bridge on which we fought against the fallen angel who was responsible for the death of my young master's parents. "Yes, sir," I answered after a brief moment.

Once again we arrived shortly after due to the very little using of the roads at night. I helped the two earls out after I had parked the carriage on the side of one of the large towers. "We need to go up there!" Antoine said pointing at the connection between the towers.

"Of course," I slightly bowed and gently grabbed the blonde boy before speeding up the side of the towers. His eyes widened in fear as the ground moved further and further away. On the top I sat him down only to run back and get my master as well.

When both of them were on the still not quite finished upper part of the bridge my master finally spoke up, "Why did you not ask before bringing us up here? There would've been more comfortable ways as well..." He glanced at the not opened to the public but probably functional towers.

"I was assuming that you want me to get you up here the least time consuming way possible and after all, if I couldn't do that much, well, what kind of butler would I be?" I explained with a smirk. The demon glared at me but I ignored it.

After a few moments my master sighed before asking, "Now then, Antoine... Where are the people who killed your mentor?" "Come over here, please," the young earl replied while walking closer to the middle of the bridge.

It didn't look very different to when we last were here but the middle surely looked safer to walk across. He stopped in front of the small statue that faced the city. Two crossed stone feathers marking the angel's death by my hands.

-Narrator's POV-

The butler already had a theory on what was about to happen while his master remained clueless. The young demon took a step forward, "What about it? I see Noone here." He raised an eyebrow. Then the blonde boy quietly chuckled with his face facing the ground.

The blue eyed earl's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. The young boy looked up at the demon in front of him, "Is that so, Ciel? Aren't you missing something?" The earl didn't reply. There were only they here, were they not? Antoine... Ciel and Sebastian. The blue eyed demon's eye widened before he pierced his master with a glare, "What is the meaning of this, Antoine!?"

-Ciel's POV-

"I think it is actually quite clear at this point, master..." I heard my butler's voice from behind me. I turned around to see him glaring at Antoine coldly with his crimson eyes before he continued, "Tell me, Antoine Allingham... If that is even your real name, is it possible that your mentor's name was Ash Landers?"

I froze at my butler's words. "You really are a smart one, demon..." Antoine replied with a smile. My hands were shaking as I yelled at the boy in front of me, "You bastard! How could-" "I possibly be linked to a fallen anglel?" the blonde boy ended my sentence, "A simple reason, really. I am no human."

Before he could continue my butler sped towards the assumably angel in front of me. The angel stopped his hand in midair before smirking at him, "It wouldn't do you any good to harm me, demon. You don't want me to order your master  to tell you to leave now, do you." The raven haired glared at the blonde boy as he stepped back.

"Well, I suppose you would appreciate it if I explained myself before we get this over with, " Antoine sighed close-eyed. When he reopened his eyes the green tone in them was gone and left behind the same lavender tone Ash had as well, "If I'm honest, I didn't think that you would actually fall for all this."

"Explain already, angel!" I yelled while my hands trembled. "I planned it all from the start. After my mentor was killed I wanted nothing but revenge, what did a filthy demon and a human think they were when they killed a being that only wanted to cleanse this damned world?" the angel started with his hair turning from light blonde to white as well, "And when I sensed that you, Ciel, were now a demon I took my chance. I made it all up, my dear Ciel, my family, that my uncle was a killer to get your attention, the loyalty of my servants." Suddenly I remembered that day, when we confronted George Allingham with his murders.

  "You don't know anything! My nephew he-"  

'He... He wasn't the killer... He knew about this and the servants probably do as well... Even Sebastian warned me about Antoine I was just too stubborn to listen...' the realazation hit me with utter shock.

The angel chuckled at my reaction, "Do you understand it now? This was all set up so you would be under my command. The murders, the scent of my soul, the contract, everything..!" He wiped away his hair from the contract mark, "Now then... Our contract is still intact which means that you must do as I say...

I order you to revenge my mentor, Ash Landers who died by the hands of Sebastian Michaelis under the order of Ciel Phantomhive!"

(A/N) Cliffhanger ending! XP The second last chapter is coming soon! Btw I just assumed that Ash was the angel's "real" form because it would've been really weird with gender referring stuff. I hope your having as much fun with reading this story as I have while writing it. Until soon! :D -eilisu

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