Chapter 20- Epilogue

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-Sebastian's POV-

The only sounds in that night in London were the horse's hoofs hitting the street and a few citizens who had heard the fighting on the bridge. Who knew how they would  react when they find the corpse of a young boy with white wings.

"My lord, excuse my rudeness but I assume this case taught you to let me first share my thoughts on a human before you bound yourself to it," I spoke up turning my head to the carriage. "I admit it, yes. Not the less you're being quite direct for a butler," my master responded annoyedly. I smirked at his response, "Of course."

Back at the Allingham manor we were greeted by the servants, as we had expected, and they also told us that George Allingham was hid in a smaller manor of the earl after Antoine assumably freed him before the reapers and we could find him. That also solved what the missing evidence was, most likely a white feather.

"I- I was so certain that he would kill you two, and we would follow," Thomas looked at us while nervously adjusting his glasses, "It's a miracle that you came back without a scratch... I assume that-"

"Yes, your master is no longer alive. There's no need for you to worry now," I replied with a close-eyed smile, "May I ask how much he told you about my master and myself?"

"Nearly nothing!" Carla spoke up, "Only that he needed us to play his servants after he had killed our real young master to get revenge on someone and that a tall butler along with his master would arrive soon... But we'll keep all of this a secret of course! It's the least we can do!"

Thomas nooded agreeingly. "Alright, then we'll leave it to you two to report your master's death through an accident and tell them where his uncle is hiding," my master said. "Yes, of course. We owe you our lives," the butler responded with a bow along with his sister.

The small demon nooded in agreement before turning towards the carriage again. "You may keep the manor for yourself, now farewell," I bowed at them with a fake smile before following my master as the servants waved at us.

A few days later we were once again on the road with the carriage. "Where do you wish to go now that everything here is taken care of, master?" I asked looking at the road.

"I have not decided yet... But we'll leave England naturally, there's too much trouble for us around here, for now at least. I've learned that much," my master replied with a bored tone. I smiled slightly, "Yes, my lord."

-Lizzy's POV (a few days later)-

I sat in my room in my black dress and crying once again. 'Why does this always happen to me?' I think while sobbing, 'First Ciel, now Antoine... Why did they have to die?'

Then Paula entered my room, "A letter for you has arrived, milady!" She handed it to me excitedly but also with a worried expression because of the tears staining my cheeks.

I eyed it with a skeptical look. There was no return address on it, I didn't even know how this letter made it all the way to me with that missing. I opened the letter and started to read.


My dear Elizabeth,

I'm sorry that you lost your fiancé once again and so soon after you had only received my death report.

(My eyes widened, 'C- Ciel!?')

I have decided to finally let you know that I'm in fact not dead but I can't stay in England or with you. Do not tell anyone about this letter, it would only cause you problems.

Farewell and don't worry about me,



I felt tears well up in my eyes while I finished reading the letter. "If I may, who wrote this letter, milady?" Paula asked with a worried expression.

I smiled at her while a few tears streamed down my cheeks, "It's nothing important... Just a very dear friend telling his goodbye."


(A/N) Thank you so much for reading the last part of my fanfiction! :D I hope you enjoyed it and leave some feedback to tell me if you did! I was certainly having much fun while writing this as my first fanfiction on Wattpad. Have a nice day! -eilisu

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