Chapter 13- A kitten and the lady's arrival

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-Sebastian's POV-

The remaining week at the manor passed without any important events. I did see the earl look at a picture in his study looking quite sad once but my master had ordered me not to interfere with his business so I didn't take it too seriously.

I also got to know Thomas and Carla more because we spent a lot of time together preparing the manor for the lady's arrival.

Thomas was a man in his fortys. He quickly got nervous but he did his job as a butler well seeing as he had served the earl by himself a few years before his sister became the new maid. Carla however is quite cheerful but she also is a capable maid. Both of them respected me and were amazed by my abilities at times.

Soon the Saturday of the Lady's arrival had come. "All right... She will be here anytime now so let us organize ourselves , shall we?" I started while both of them listened, "I will do some work in the garden today so you two will have to take care of her visit. She is quite... Cheerful but I'm sure you'll handle her nicely. Her maid is also quite capable so don't hesitate to let her help you."

"Yes, of course!" answered Carla while Thomas only nooded pushing up his glasses. "Very well.... I will see you after dinner then," I said before heading for the garden.

-Narrator's POV-

As on a mark the carriage arrived only minutes after Sebastian had left. Thomas already waited at the door while Ciel watched the scene from a window in the upper floor.

-Lizzy's POV-

The carriage stopped in front of the manor. I was sad because this was not a ride to visit Ciel like I had so many times before but to visit a complete stranger who was practically already engaged to me... However I had told myself to not let this keep me from being myself today. After all it's my first impression on my new fiancé.

Moments after I thought that Paula already opened the door and helped me out, "We have arrived at the manor, milady."

We reached the door where a quite tall butler with a pair of small glasses was already waiting for us, "Welcome, Lady Midford. If I might introduce myself... My name is Thomas Mandon and I'm the headbutler of the Allingham household." I smiled at him, "You can call me Elizabeth, Thomas. Now, where is Antoine?"

He looked a bit starteled at my high voice and calling his master by his first name but I ignored it. He pushed up his glasses and opened the door widely, "Very well... My master is awaiting you in his office, Lady Elizabeth..."

He bowed when I passed him before closing the door again. Thomas then led us to the office through a few hallways.

-Ciel's POV-

I watched Elizabeth and her maid from a dark corner while they followed Thomas through a groundlevel hallway.

Suddenly the blonde girl squealed when she saw something furry near the window a few meters away from me, "Aww! Would you look at that, Paula? It seems like this adorable kitten came in through the window!" The small black cat jumped on the window frame meowing at Elizabeth.

"I am so terribly sorry, milady! I assume I forgot to close the window! How truly careless of me!" Thomas exclaimed sounding very displeased about his mistake. "It's alright really. Look at how cute she is!" answered Elizabeth while smiling widely. Paula soon spoke up, "But I think we should continue now, milady." "Y- Yes... Of course," said Thomas not quite finished with composing himself but he soon continued to lead them down the hallway.

After they turned away from the window only seconds passed before a quick blink of something black flashed through the window and the cat was gone. I nearly facepalmed before remembering how close they still were.

"Stupid demon..." I whispered to myself. "I believe that it is quite rude to address someone with such a choice of words, my lord..." Sebastian said sarcasticly after appearing next to me out of seemingly nowhere which made me jump slightly. He chuckled at my reaction.

I looked back at the hallway to see that Elizabeth had just walked around the corner as if my butler had waited for exactly the right time to jump in. "I believe that it is quite rude to scare your own master, Sebastian..." I responded sounding really annoyed.

He smirked, "Well countered, master... I will attend to do some more chores in the garden now." The ravenhaired man bowed before turning to the window again. "And don't let yourself be distracted by that new pet of yours..!" I said referring to the kitten from earlier. "Certainly," he smiled before disappearing through the window.

(A/N) I'm sorry for the chapters being so short and boring at the moment but I hope the little kitten could get things a bit more interesting. xD Again, if anyone has a suggestion for a character who should be in a future chapter please comment, I highly appreciate it. :D Until soon. -eilisu

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