Chapter 4- A new case

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-Ciel's POV-

I watched how my fiancé walked away until a crowd of people came into my view. They stood in front of one of the buildings in the street. It looked like they were shouting something and were pressing against the closed doors but I was too far away to hear what they said.

Soon my butler entered the room. "What is this noise out there about?" I asked him without turning away from the window. He walked up behind me before answering, "It has to do with one of the cases I suggested to you actually. The report of the disappearances that occured in London lately."

I scanned the crowd once again but couldn't find anything that would tell me more. There were people of all ages, men and women.

"Can you be more specific, Sebastian..?" He smirked once again, "There are already about six people missing only this month. They have nothing in common but it seems like all of them visited the restaurant in that house over there exactly one month before they went missing and are all inhabitants of London."

"And now their relatives blame the restaurants owner and staff but they don't have any evidence, correct?" "Quite nicely combined, my lord, if I may say..." 'What an interesting case...' I smirked.

"We got ourselves a new case, Sebastian... Prepare the carridge, we're heading for the Undertaker's..."

-Sebastian's POV-

After I had prepared the carriage and the earl took a seat inside we began our ride through the crowded streets of England's capital. 'I didn't think we would ever go for another visit at the Undertaker's,' I smirked, 'It seems like I underestemated the unpredictablesness of my master after all.'

The carriage soon stopped in front of the familiar black shop. I opened the door for my young master and followed him inside.

-Narrator's POV-

Inside the shop the Undertaker was working in the back on one of his coffins. There were a lot of them in random places around the dark room. The floor was covered in sawdust and dirt from the production of the coffins.

The figure in the back let out a giggle when the two demons entered. "My, my... And I was already hoping I could soon finally fit you into your coffin, young earl... What can I do for you today?" he turned around with a large smile on his pale face. "I'm here for information about the dissapearances in London, Undertaker," Ciel replied boredly.

"That won't be low priced information... That butler of yours better has a good one for me today or we won't have a deal..!" "That shouldn't be a problem..." Sebastian smirked. The earl already left the shop, knowing what his butler would tell him to do if he didn't. "Make it quick..." he added before closing the door.

Soon a loud laughter could be heard from inside the Undertaker's. The grey haired reaper was still giggeling when the young boy reentered the room, "That butler of yours... He didn't dissapoint me..." "What do you know? We don't have all day," Ciel asked.

"Alright. No need to be rude," the Undertaker smiled at him. "I did get a lot of assignments from the earl of Allingham lately... Fortytwo if you need it exact.. He even paid me with some money to keep 'em here secretly but you know how much more a good joke is worth to me!" He started giggling again. "Thank you for your information as always..." the tall demon said while his master was already leaving. "Thank you for the excellent joke!" shouted the Undertaker.

"What is our next destination, my lord?" the butler asked back at the carriage. "Let's give a visit to this earl Allingham, shall we?" Ciel smirked. "Right away, my lord..."

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