Chapter 14- Dinner with the lady

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-Lizzy's POV-

We finally arrived at the big wooden door Thomas was leading us to. I was so excited to finally meet Antoine! The butler opened the door and I rushed inside with a bright smile, "Antoooiine! It's so lovely to finally meet you!"

The fourteen years old boy sat in the chair behind the desk. His eyes widened when I abruptly entered. Paula walked up to my side before slightly bowing, "Apologies for our sudden interruption. This is Elizabeth Midford and I am her maid, Paula. It is a pleasure to meet you, my lord."

"I- It's not a problem at all... Welcome, milady..." he looked at me nervously. "You can call me Elizabeth or just Lizzie, Antoine. We are practically engaged after all!" I replied with a close-eyed smile. The earl only nooded. 'He's so shy for a boy his age! But that's also really adorable,' I thought with a chuckle which confused Antoine a little.

Thomas then stepped between us pushing up his glasses, "I'm sorry to interrupt you, master, milady, but dinner seems to be ready." Antoine stood up before replying to his butler, "Then we shall head to the dining hall now." He even smiled a little. "Certainly..." Thomas bowed and then walked out to lead us the way. I linked arms with Antoine which surprised him but he didn't pull away.

-Narrator's POV-

The dinner was rather eventless. Lizzy talked cheerfully with the earl while Antoine just listened for the most part. He was polite of course but seeing as in around three weeks his contract will be fullfilled he didn't expect to see Elizabeth multiple times again Antoine wasn't intending to build up a close relationship with the lady.

Ciel once looked into the room through a slightly opened door but Antoine almost imidiantly glared back telling him to not take any risk. How the young boy could notice the demon so easily was still a mystery to Ciel.

-Ciel's POV-

"Tch... How can he sense my presence this easily? Besides... Elizabeth wouldn't have seen me of course..." I muttered to myself annoyed by Antoine's 'caution'. I walked into my room and sat down on the small couch.

"Did the earl notice you after all, master?" my butler asked with a smile before standing next to the couch. "That is not of your concern... Are you already finished with all your chores, Sebastian?", I replied boredly.

The demon butler answered with another close-eyed smile, "Of course... Master, may I share my thoughts about the young earl with you?" I looked up at, "What is it?"

He replied with an emotionless face, "I am not quite sure about his intentions, my lord... He seems rather... Unusual for a human. Especially his eyes and appearance in general. I do not think he is being hone-" "I already ordered you to not interfere..." I interrupted him, "This contract will be completed in a few weeks... Until then we will stay by his side without asking any questions, understood?" The ravenhaired man bowed but I saw a frown on his face, "Yes, my lord..."

-Sebastian's POV-

I frowned slightly but tried to not let my master see it. 'Why doesn't he listen to me? I only intend to assist him by mentioning possible threats,' I stood up straight again.

My master opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a squeal coming from the hallway, "No need to say anything, Antoine! I will make this manor a little cuter when I visit you the next time!" I could faintly hear Antoine trying to reply something but he was interrupted again by the lady, "See you soon!!"

Then the front door was pulled shut and the lady was gone. The earl soon entered my master's room and sat down beside him, "Well, the lady is sure... Cheerfull... What were you two talking about?" The demon boy replied with a bored face, "Nothing important really..."

The blond boy nodded before a hissing like sound came from a corner of the room. "What was that?", the earl said shyly. My master only looked at me annoyedly while I walked over to the sound picking up the small kitten from earlier today, "I apologize for the confusion... This is a quite young kitten which I found in the manor earlier today. I couldn't just let such a delicate creature wander around on its own..."

The black kitten hissed at Antoine again and attempted to jump towards him but I held it back. "My, my... She doesn't seem to have taken a liking into you, my lord." "Get it out of the manor!" Antoine suddenly ordered. He held his arms close to his body in a defensive position as if he was somehow... Scared of the kitten.

I raised an eyebrow, "Why is that necessary, my lord? I do not think a kitten her age could possibly-" "Just get her out!" I widened my eyes slightly before bowing, "If you think it is needed, my lord..."

I turned around and walked out heading for the shed in the garden. I glanced down at the black kitten which shyly scanned its surroundings. 'Quite an odd reaction from both sides... I really do hope my assumptions will not turn out to be true...'

(A/N) I'm sorry for updating this slowly but I had writers block for a while now so let's see if I can start updating more now again! xD I think the story is also reeeeaaally slow at the moment but oh well... I just hope the final chapters will turn out good... Btw I'm thinking about giving either Undertaker, William or Grell another longer appearance so please tell me who you'd like to read about. Until soon! -eilisu

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