Chapter 6- The earl and his uncle

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-Sebastian's POV-

"Hello. I am here because I'd like an audience with earl Allingham," I replied to the butler in front of me. He looked at me for quite a while. Seemed like he found it rather confusing why there was a butler standing in their front door asking to meet the young lord.

"May I ask why you ask to speak to my master?" he looked up at me sceptically. I smirked, "I'm sorry but it is something only concerning the earl, me and who sent me."

He looked at me once again before straightening himself, "It seems like I have forgotten to introduce myself, my name is Thomas Mandon and I'm the headbutler of the Allingham household. He bowed slightly which almost made his small glasses fall of.

I bowed, too, and gave him a close-eyed smile, "My name is Sebastian Michaelis." Thomas smiled visibly proud that he did get at least some information out of me.

"Wait in the guest room while I tell my master about your visit, please, Mr. Michaelis. Our maid will take care of your horse in the meantime," he took a step to the side to allow me to come inside. I could see a hint of my horse starting to move when the door closed.

I followed the butler to a small living room and took a seat. "Thank you very much for your assistance," I thanked the butler. He bowed and left the room.

-Narrator's POV-

The butler walked to the door of his master's office and knocked. "What is it, Thomas?" replied a low voice. Thomas then entered the room. Inside his master sat behind the big desk and his uncle, who had answered the butler, sat on a small, red couch on the side of the room.

Thomas took a deep breath before talking, "Master... A visitor has arrived. He goes by the name of Sebastian Michaelis and has asked for an audience with you."

Antoine looked up shyly, "P- Please tell him to-" "What did he want, Thomas?" his uncle interrupted him while the boy sank back into his chair. "He said it would only concern himself, who sent him and the earl, sir," the butler continued talking more to the man on the side than his actual master.

"Bring him here then. Might as well see what that Michaelis wants," said the earl's uncle. "Right away, sir..." Thomas bowed and left the room.

-Sebastian's POV-

'This case is indeed interesting... Was it the earl? His uncle? Was the restaurant just a way to keep the suspicion on someone different? Would an intellegently planned murder really depend on someone like Undertaker to keep his mouth shut?' before I could deepen my thoughts any further the Allingham butler entered the room again.

"You may go and see my master now. Excuse me for the long wait," he bowed. "Not a problem at all..." I said with a smirk and left the room. He guided me the way to a wooden door that seemed to be the entrance to the office of the manor.

In the room there were two people, the earl himself and his uncle, George Allingham. "Welcome to our manor, Mr. Michaelis!" George welcomed me with a fake smile and pointed at a chair in front of the main desk, "Take a seat. Be our guest!"

I sat down and looked at the rather old man, "I'm sorry, sir, but I came here with something for only the earl to hear." His eyes widened along with the ones of the young lord. "Excuse us, please, uncle..." said the boy to his uncle with a shy tone in his voice.

With a displeased sigh his uncle left the room after glaring at the earl shortly which made him look down on his desk. 'Do these two know something George doesn't want his nephew to tell me? How interesting...'

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