Chapter 15- Three reapers and two demons

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(A/N) Since  nearly nobody really suggested one of the characters I decided to include all of them. :D I'm planning to write a few more chapters with the reapers and then the finale will start. Thank you so much to everyone who read the story this far because it's not really good at times in my opinion. xD But now let's continue on with the story. ^-^ -eilisu

-Ciel's POV-

I walked around the manor one morning because I had grown quite bored when suddenly something caught my attention. My butler stood there in a hallway looking at a piece of paper with an eyebrow raised.

I walked up to him until he noticed me, "What exactly is that, Sebastian?" "It seems like we have received a rather unusual invitation, my lord..." he responded before handing me the small paper.


Dear Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian Michaelis,

Meet us at the Undertaker's. We need assistance with a case that is sure to interest the two of you.

Sincerely William T. Spears


I  raised an eyebrow as well while I read the note. "Do you think we should follow their invitation, my lord? Matters must be truly serious if even Mr Spears asks for our assistance," my butler asked after I finished reading. "I agree.... We shall head there after we have asked the earl to-" I was interrupted by a sudden change of location.

"Sutcliff... How many times have I told you not to use that bookmark for personal reasons..." William pushed up his glasses with an annoyed expression. "But William, dear! At least we won't have to wait any longer until they arrive now! Besides they already agreed on coming here," the red-haired reaper answered waving around the pink bookmark in his hand.

I finally composed myself and glared at the reapers with my uncovered eye, "I had important things to do before we arrive here if you have missed that part..." "Oh, you mean talking to that brat? Well... He wasn't intended to know about all this anyways and I couldn't wait any longer to see my darling again," the idiot replied with a toothy grin.

He looked over at my butler who only replied with a warning glare. "Honestly, Sutcliff... I only officially allowed you this once to even go anywhere near that demon so please pull yourself together..." the brown haired reaper warned pushing up his glasses again.

'What do these idiots need from me this time...' I thought to myself before yet another reaper entered the room. "It seems like everyone is here now. So we might as well start," the Undertaker grinned while walking over to the group of people gathered in his shop.

-Sebastian's POV-

'What could three reapers possibly want from two demons?' I raised an eyebrow while standing at my master's side. William finally spoke up,"I can imagine you being confused why we called you here today... To come straight to the point, a really unusual case has occurred a few days ago and we would like your assistance since you are linked to the person this is about..."

"That's sums it up quite nicely! To get more into detail I received a collecting appointment like any other one, really, but when I got the doomsday book to look up his location I noticed that there were many pages just ripped out. Plus I couldn't even find him when I decided to just ignore it...." the red-haired reaper added.

"That he found this occurance is also the only reason why he's here..." the brown haired reaper said looking not very happy about needing to bring Grell along with him.

"Well.... Who is this about?" asked my young master glaring at the reapers. "It's a person you were in contact with only a few weeks ago," explained William looking at us, "George Allingham."

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