Chapter 16- Hide and seek

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-Ciel's POV-

My eye widened in surprise, "Wasn't he taken care of by the police?" William shook his head slightly, "He vanished mysteriously without ever talking to a proper judge..."

'There is no way that old fool could escape all on his own so.... Who helped him?' I thought furrowing my eyebrows. "Was there any indication that he was being helped at the crime scene?" I asked.

The brown haired reaper looked down at me while answering, "No. Although we have to admit we didn't inspect it properly yet... If one of you knew what had happened that wouldn't have been needed after all..."

I nodded shortly in response. "Well.... I suppose we should get right to it then... Do you agree, master?" my butler spoke up taking a step forward. "Yes... We shall go there right away..."

-Narrator's POV-

Meanwhile at the Allingham manor Thomas was searching for the blue eyed lord and his butler. He was getting quite hectic at the thought of needing to tell his master that the two demons had vanished without any sign of their whereabouts.

After a while the butler realized that he probably won't find them so he headed to his master's office. He lightly knocked on the door and stepped in after a muffled, "Come in..." could be heard.

"Master.... Earl Phantomhive and Mr Michaelis..." Thomas began while pushing up his glasses, "It seems like.... They are nowhere in the estate...." The young boy looked up from his desk with widened eyes,

"What exactly do you mean, Thomas? Where are they?" "I do not know where they are, master.... I am terribly sorry..." the butler bowed slightly. The eyes of the young boy widened even more before he ordered, "Continue to search for them, will you? I want to know where they are." "Certainly, master..."

Thomas bowed again before leaving the room. The young earl stood up from his chair and looked out of the window.

-Sebastian's POV-

'Yet again in the filthy streets of London...' I thought with a sigh while we sped through the small streets. I was holding my master in my arms while the three reapers were closely following us. For an unknowing eye it would maybe even be mistaken for a chase rather than an ordinary walk, only ordinary for demons or similar of course.

Then the police station where I had handed in George Allingham came into sight. I sat my master down on his feet before scanning the exterior of the old building, "It seems like we have arrived, master..."

The young boy walked towards the building and looked over his shoulder back to the reapers and myself, "What are you waiting for? We shouldn't waste any time now, should we?"

William pushed up his glasses while replying, "Certainly.... Sutcliff, Undertaker, we shall get to work..." "Hehe... Yes, yes..." the grey haired man replied giggling like always. "If I may ask, why exactly are you here, Undertaker? Have you not retired from being a reaper?" I spoke up raising an eyebrow.

He grinned widely in my direction, "That's quite right, but when William asked for my assistance I just couldn't keep my hands out of such an interesting case... Hihihihi... Besides he was a costumer of mine, was he not? Don't ya think he would have wanted to rest in one of my coffins?"

He turned around again before walking towards the building followed by the other two reapers. William glared at me when he passed me but I only gave him a slim smirk.

'William is quite formal compared to our other... Encounters... Was I not some filth that he never wanted to lay eyes on again?' my smirk widened teasingly which he only replied with another disgusted glare.

-Ciel's POV-

The inside of the building was like it's exterior, simplistic and gray. The reapers and my butler began searching the rooms for any clues while I waited in the hallway trying to get logic into the case. Sadly Sebastian didn't see which room the earl's uncle had stayed in so we had no clue where we should search.

'I still can't imagine that old fool escaping on his own from here.... And how the sides from the doomsday book were ripped out is even more questionable... It's quite an unrealistic thought that a human could possibly lay-' my train of thoughts was interrupted when I saw a shadow run down the hallway towards the entrance.

My eye widened when they met with bright lavender ones but it was too dark to see who or what it was. An image of the same bright lavender in Ash's eyes popped into my mind. A fallen angel? But... How... They are more than rare and I heard Ash's last screams with my own ears.

"Sebastian!" I yelled as the figure began speeding towards the door yet again. My butler stood before me only seconds later. He followed my glare towards the door and instantly took of following the shadow. They both were already out of the building when the reapers arrived.

"What is it now?" William asked with an annoyed expression. I answered glaring at him, "There was a suspicious figure who escaped through the front door... My butler is following it as we speak... I want you to inspect the rooms where it could have possibly came from down this hallway."

Grell looked at me visibly annoyed that I ordered him around but William grabbed him by his arm and pulled him towards the three doors at the end of the hallway. The gray haired reaper followed close behind. I sighed quietly before walking out of the front door to wait for my butler's reappearance.

The raven haired man soon turned around the street's corner and stopped besides me, "I am terribly sorry, master, but I unfortunately couldn't get a hold of him... I have more than reason to think that he or she was not human..."

I nodded seeing as I already assumed the same thing. "However... He dropped this when I was almost getting a hold of him," he handed me a package with a smirk on his face. It was a package for evidence with a description of the item on it.

///////// that was in his cell after Mr George Allingham escaped. Colour: ///////// Length: /////////// Doesn't fit any ///////// that is officially known of.

Many parts were scribbled over so they weren't readable and nothing was inside. "So this is the part of evidence why whoever helped Allingham came back..." I concluded still looking at the description, "And he was even smart enough to secure the item inside in case he would have to drop it..."

"Quite right, my lord. What will be our next move?" my butler asked looking down at me. "That depends on if the reapers find any other clues where this package could have been from," I answered while I turned around to walk back to the building, "Oh and Sebastian?" I stopped and pierced him with my sapphire blue eye.

He stopped as well and raised an eyebrow. "That... Someone had bright lavender eyes, are you really sure you killed the filth on the bridge?" His eyes widened slightly before he bowed, "Of course, master. You did order me to never lie, did you not?" I slightly nodded before I turned around again.

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