Chapter 5- Welcome to the Allingham manor.

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-Ciel's POV-

We soon entered the forest leading to the manor of that earl Allingham. "Sebastian!" "Yes, master?" my butler responded. "Stop the carriage. I want you to first collect information on the earl before we go there... And make it quick," I ordered.

The carriage stopped on the side of the street where some trees would hide it from any curious looks. Sebastian stepped in front of one of the windows and bowed at me, "I shall return as quick as I can, my lord." He then vanished.

He returned not much later than ten minutes after that and handed me a report with his collected data before taking a seat on the driver's seat once again. I looked at the report:


Name: Antoine Allingham

Age: fourteen

Family: mother (a French lady) and father (the last earl, an English noble) both died two years ago in a carriage accident, their son was in the care of his uncle (George Allingham) at that time and is being raised by him since then; no other known close relatives

Servants: an ordinary butler and maid who seem to handle everything around the estate


On the bottom of the report was a picture of a young boy. The index said:

'Antoine Allingham on his twelfth birthday'.

He had short blond almost white hair, pale skin and dark violet mixed with green eyes. He only smiled a tiny bit and looked like an overall shy personality. 'I hope he's not as much a brat as the last young lord I met...' I thought.

"Was this all you could find?" I asked my butler who had already brought the carriage back on the street. "This is all that seemed important. The earl seems to be a noble that tries to stay out of public as much as possible..." he answered calmly. "Then we shalll find out more ourselves," I smirked.

The carriage started moving again. "The news about your death may have already reached as far as out here, master... I suggest that I go there first on my own and report what I find out to you in the evening..." I sighed, "I assume you're right but find a way to make it safe for me to join you as well." "Yes, my lord."

-Sebastian's POV-

I soon stopped the carriage once again at the forest's edge and proceeded to the manor on horseback after I had made sure my master had everything he needs until I would come back.

It was already one o'clock past midday when I reached the manor's entrance. It was a big manor but far smaller than the one my master used to live in. I knocked on the door lightly and took a step back.

A tall, but smaller than myself, man in a butler's uniform opened the door and bowed slightly, "Welcome to the Allingham manor, sir. What can I help you with?"

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