Chapter 9- An early assumption

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-Narrator's POV-

The evening at the Allingham manor was rather quiet. Sebastian didn't speak to either Antoine nor George Allingham and nobody suspected the presence of his young master, or at least didn't show it.

Another sleepless night and an eventless morning during which Ciel continued to put the puzzle of this case together for earl Phantomhive and his butler who collected smaller parts of evidence continuesly passed before the earl decided to put matters into his own hands.

-Ciel's POV-

I sat on the small couch in Sebastian's room for quite a while now rethinking the theory I put together with the information I had. Yes, I have had a theory for a while now but I was still missing some evidence to proof me right.

'How boring... Isn't this case already put together? How hard can it possibly be to finally get the last proof?' I sighed. "Sebastian, we shall investigate the room of George Allingham now... That should finish the case... We never completed one this quickly before," I finally spoke up.

"Yes, my lord..." "He is away until this evening, correct?" I asked while standing up. "Indeed. He mentioned it at breakfast, master," he already opened the door. I walked out. 'Thomas and the maid must be busy right now... How convenient.'

We soon reached the hallway to the old man's room. Suddenly Thomas walked in our direction. I quickly hid in the shadows before he saw me.

"Oh.. Hello there, Mr. Michaelis. I didn't expect to meet you here..." he adjusted his small glasses before looking the way my butler headed.

His eyes soon locked on the elegant entrance door we were heading to, "You aren't going to George Allingham's room are you? He doesn't want to be disturb-; I- I mean he doesn't like it when someone looks through his room when he is away..."

I saw Sebastian's eyes narrow at the butler's suspicious warning like mine did as well. 'Of course he doesn't... And it is a coincidence we meet you here as well, I assume?' I thought.

"I will keep it in mind, Thomas..." my butler replied simply. Thomas then left the hallway glancing back shyly at Sebastian a few more times before disappearing around the corner.

"Seems like I was right..." I commented while my butler handed me the simple mask I had prepared to face the murderer. If he'll get handed to the police I could simply stay anonymous without him ever seeing my face.

"Indeed..." my butler replied before slowly opening the door to our destination.

-Sebastian's POV-

Inside there was the, officially away, uncle of the earl with a small gun in his hand which he rubbed nervously. The room was bigger than my own and had a door in the back which probably led to a bathroom. The walls were deep red with an elegant golden pattern.

When he spotted us he had sweat all over his forehead. George then panicked and shot at my master which I reflected swiftly with an ordinary spoon hidden in my suitpocket.

"Who are-!?" he said loudly before being interrupted by my master. "Doesn't matter to you. But you, George Allingham, are the murderer of all the disappeared, are you not?"

The eyes of the old man widened in disbelieve. "That gun there and your very reaction is the last prove," my master pointed at his hand and I saw him smirk under his mask, "You tried to kill your own nephew to cut your connections to the Undertaker and use the money you'll get to escape from England."

The man tried to shot my master multiple times after his speech but I reflected all of them with ease. George's forehead got even sweatier before he abruptly ran to us wielding a small knive which he had probably kept in his pocket.

A glance from my young master told me to keep back which I replied with a smirk. The young boy caught the swing skilledly while getting the knive and kicking his attacker who then fell on the floor in the process. His eye shone a bright pink while doing so.

He put the knife in his pocket. "You don't know anything! My nephew he-" George yelled while also crying. He sat on the floor with his leg in an unnatural angle which was probably caused by my young master's hits on it.

"I know a lot more than you think, old man. You did all this because of his parents, did you not? They always left you out and even left behind their son for you to take care of and that restaurant was the owner of the carriage that caused the accident, were they not? You loved those two but you hated them at the same time.... " he took a short pause.

I assumed that he realizes how close this was to the motives Madam Red once had.

"All those people were in contact with your family, mostly even more than yourself, but could never be identified as such... You are crazy and coldhearted for murdering all of those innocents and then using the Undertaker to transfer all of the suspicion to your dear nephew in case your escape would go wrong... Now the game is over, Allingham," my master smirked once again after he had finished his explanation.

"Adding to that we have found multiple other clues for your doings such as the sawdust on your shoes from the Undertaker's shop," I added. "Am I correct?" the young boy demanded to know from the man on the floor who nooded hesatately while his fear was written in both of his eyes.

"That makes it easier... Sebastian, bring him to the police and tell them that he has admitted his murders and give them all the evidance... We may not know the whole of his motives but the police can investigate further by themselves..." ordered my master.

I agreed, the actions of this man were just too suspicious to be this simple. "I'll get right to it," I bowed and then left with the sobbing mess that was George Allingham. "No! It's his fault I swear! Let me go!" yelled the old man before he was dragged away.

-Narrator's POV-

After the demon butler had left and the earl took of his mask a small figure peaked through the door. Ciel's eye changed to its demon form in surprise when he identified the smell of Antoine Allingham who stood there looking at him.

"D- Did you find out about uncle?" asked the small but still bigger than earl Phantomhive boy. Ciel nooded. Antoine relaxed visibly because the weight of his secret was of his chest.

"You knew?" asked the demon staring at the young boy. "Yes... But I was scared that uncle would punish me if I told anyone... Thomas also knows... But he just wanted to protect me, I swear! I also saw you staring at me at dinner..." Ciel's eye widened but he then nodded. "There's a reason why I'm here..." added Antoine,

"I want to make a contract with you."

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