Chapter 8

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It has been three weeks since their wedding. Damon was very frustrated. He hoped that Shal would come to him soon. He didn't think he could endure it much longer.

Having Shal at home as his wife but being unable to touch her was torture. It was a good thing they had separate rooms. This made it easier for him to respect her wishes.

His phone rang. He frowned when he saw who it was.


He ignored it. She had been calling him endlessly. He banned her from coming to his office and instructed his security men never to let her into the building again. She was becoming a nuisance to him.

His phone rang again and it was her still calling. Immediately it stopped ringing, he barred her number from calling his again. He didn't know why she couldn't understand that he was never going to be with her again. He was married and intended to stay that way for a long time.

He opened a file that was sent to him from the hospital. He made sure that the doctors sent him a weekly update on Emma's health. He wanted to make sure that everything was alright.

Shal loved her sister very much and seeing Emma getting better made her happy. He wanted her to always be happy and want for nothing. He smiled when he thought of her. He couldn't give what he felt for her a name yet. All he knew was that he never wanted her to be sad or to lack anything. Her happiness was now his first priority.

Damon, man you sure are a goner.
He thought to himself.


"I like him, he is very nice."
Emma said to her sister, Shal. She was talking about Damon who visited her at times.

Shal smiled at her sister. She was recovering so fast . She could even speak now, something she could barely do before because she was always too weak and it made her chest ache.

Shal knew that the sole reason for this was Damon . She would forever be grateful to him. She also found herself thinking about him at odd times. When she was working, in the shower, and other places. He made her feel things she could not explain.

Emma called her, breaking her out of her thoughts. Shal realized that she had drifted off in thoughts of him again. She sighed and focused on her sister.

"Are you happy, sis? "
Shal thought of her sister's questions.
Damon took care of them. He was nice to her and made sure she had everything she needed. She just couldn't believe her luck at times.

She looked at sister and and she answered truthfully.
"Yes, I am."

They ( Shal and Damon ) did not see each other often. He was busy with work everyday. She came to understand that it was his way of respecting her wishes.

She also had work and any free time she had, she spent with her sister. He was being so patient with her . She saw how much he wanted her in his eyes whenever he looked at her.

She decided that she was ready to take that step. She would try to spend more time with Damon. She wanted to get to know him as he was her husband now. She hoped he wanted the same thing.

She bid her sister goodbye and went home to plan on how to start getting closer to her husband. She was now ready to be a wife to him.

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