Chapter 16

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Shal heard two more gunshots and then she heard a thud.
She realized that the person holding her down was Damon.
He let her up when the police declared Caroline dead.

Shal looked at Caroline and found her on the ground in a pool of her own blood. She had missed her but the police shot her in return and she was dead.

"Are you alright? You were not hit, were you?"
Damon asked her while he checked her for injuries.
She hugged him tightly. She had thought she was going to die seeing that gun pointed at her. In that moment she was frozen, her only thoughts were of Damon and her sister.

"No, I wasn't hit,. Am alright."

Shal saw Jesse who hugged her. She thanked him and the police officers for rescuing her.

The police took the thugs to the station and locked them up. Damon took Shal to the hospital where the doctor treated and bandaged her fingers and her wrists.

By the time they got home it was late. They both showered and went to bed. Damon held her tightly to himself. Shal slept off with a smile on her face.


Damon woke up and didn't find Shal beside him. He got up to search for her when she stepped out of the bathroom. He pulled her into his arms once she came closer to him.

"Good morning."
He kissed her before she could reply. He carried her to the bed. He was kissing her when his phone rang. He ignored it but it started to ring again.

Shal gently pushed him away.
"You should answer that. It might be important."
She pecked his lips and stood up. Damon reached for his phone to answer it.

"Hello, Damon Bolt speaking. Who's on the line?"
"Hello, this is inspector David. We would like it if your wife could come to the station to give her statement. We won't take much of her time."
"Okay, we will be there."
Damon hung up and turned to Shal.

"Who was that?"
"It was the police. They want us  at the station today so that you can give your statement."
She nodded.
"We can go now if you want."
He told her. She kissed him and went to get ready. They left for the station.


"You can go up and take a bath. I know you must be exhausted. I will order food for the both of us."
Shal thanked him and went up the stairs to their bedroom . They had just returned from the station.

When they had gotten there, she told them all that happened starting from when she was called with Damon's phone, to being kidnapped up to time she was rescued.Inspector David thanked her for her co-operation. He told her that the thugs will be sent to jail and that they would get back to her if they needed more information.

She undressed, wrapped a towel around her body and stepped into the bathroom.

Shal dressed up after her bath and went down to the dinning room. Damon had already set the table and was waiting for her. He ordered Chinese food and it smelt delicious. He pulled out a chair for her, they sat down and ate dinner.

After dinner, they sat on a couch. Shal snuggled in his arms. He held her tightly and said nothing. He buried his nose in her hair and breathed her in.

Damon was quiet. Shal noticed his mood. She raised her head and looked into his eyes.
"What's wrong? "
Damon tightened his hold on her but remained quiet.
"You know you can talk to me. Am here for you."

He caressed her cheeks.
"I thought I lost you. I didn't know i could get as scared as I got when I thought I lost you. "
Shal felt her heart melt.
" I am here now. Nothing happened and you didn't lose me."
"Don't do this to me again. I love you Shal , I can't lose you."

Her heart missed a beat and started racing.
"What did you say? "
She asked him.
He cupped her face in his palms.

"You heard me right. I love you."
He stood up and walked to the window. He stared outside for some seconds. He then turned to her.

"I love you Shal. I know you might not return my feelings but I promise to make you happy. You don't have to make your...."

Shal rushed him and hugged him tight cutting off his words.
"Oh! Damon. You don't have to say that . I already love you so much."

Damon looked into her eyes.
"You really mean it"
"Say it, I want to hear you say the words."

Shal kissed him.
"I love you so much, Damon."

He swept her off her feet and carried her to their room. He undressed her and undressed himself. He placed her on the bed and settled on her.

"Say it again."
He said as he kissed her.
"I love you."
"I love you more."

Damon showed her his love for her from that day onwards.

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