Chapter 11

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"Yes, I will be back early. See you later. Bye."
Damon got off the phone after speaking to Shal.

He didn't know that his marriage would turn out to be this way. He, who had always been a workaholic, couldn't wait for the work hours to be over so that he would go home to Shal. They had planned to go out for dinner.
It has been over a month since they first slept together. Life has has never been better for him. He had Shal by his side during the day and in his bed at night.

Caroline has also stopped pestering him. His company continued to make big profits monthly. Life was good.

His phone rang. It was his secretary.
"Hello, what is the matter, Darcy? "
"A call for you from Malero club, sir."
Damon frowned. He had no business with Malero club that he knew of.

"Malero club, did they say what they wanted?"
"No sir, but, they said it was urgent."
"Okay, put them through"
After a few seconds, he heard another line connect to his.

"Hello, Mr Bolt here, how may I help you? "
"I am the manager at Malero club,  I am calling about your father's widow, Caroline"
Damon groaned softly.
"What about her? What has she done this time? "

"She has been drinking a lot, sir. She has been ranting about your father, your mother, and everything about your family. She is making a spectacle out of herself. She says that if you don't come to her, she will spill some secrets about your family and it will be bad for you."

Damon was getting angry.
"She said all that? "
"Yes, she did."
"Okay, tell her I will be there soon. Make sure she doesn't go anywhere."

Damon hung up before the man could reply. He was furious. How dare Caroline think that she could threaten him. He thought she had gone back to Paris, but it seems to be that she didn't. Now, she pulls this trick.

He dialed Shal's number but she didn't pick up. He left a message for her telling her that he would be home late. He left his office for the club.


Shal smoothed her hand down her gown. She looked at her reflection in the mirror. She smiled. If she had been told that she would come to love her husband, she would call it a lie.

They had discussed about their past and their future plans. They were planning to go on a trip to an exotic island in China for their long over due honeymoon. This will be after Emma's full recovery. Her phone started ringing. It was Damon's number calling her.

"Hello, Damon am almost done."
"Hello, madam, the owner of this phone is injured. Who is he to you?"
"He is my husband. Who are you? Where is Damon? Why are you with his phone? "

Shal held herself together, maybe it was just a prank on her.
"Your husband was involved in a car accident and was seriously injured. He has requested your presence. He really needs you."
Shal was shocked. When she got a hold of herself, she spoke to the person on the line.

"What did you say? How is he doing? Where is he? "
"He is at Hope hospital. It is on Maven lane. I will send you the directions on how to get there."
"Thank you"

Shal hung up and started sobbing. She couldn't believe it. She collected her car keys and rushed out of the house. She heard a beep indicating that she had a new text message. She opened it and read the directions sent to her. She got into her car and drove off.

How is Damon doing? I hope it is not fatal. Oh! God, please let nothing happen to him. I beg of you. She thought. She had found happiness with him and didn't want to lose him.

After driving through a traffic jam and several roads, she got to Maven lane. She got out of her car . She looked around but saw no hospital.

She checked the directions sent to her to make she made no mistake. She confirmed that according to the message, she was in the right place.

Where is the hospital? I am definitely in the right place.
She thought to herself as she looked around. She brought out her phone and dialled Damon's number, it rang but no one answered it.

She walked around to know whether she would find anyone. She saw a girl on a bicycle.

"Excuse me, am looking for Hope hospital. Could you kindly point me to its location?"
"Am sorry miss, there is no Hope hospital here, in fact, there is no hospital around here."
She answered and rode off on her bicycle.

Shal was confused. She didn't understand what was happening. She walked back to her car. She brought out her phone dialled Damon's number again. It was the same as before.

She saw a missed call from Damon and a voicemail message after it . It was before she was called in regards to his accident.

She was about to read the message left behind when someone grabbed her from behind. She tried to scream but whoever it was placed a cloth on her face, pressing it close to her nose. She struggled but she became weak. Darkness overcame her and she lost consciousness.

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