Chapter 59

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{October 2036}

Carrie sat up, hearing Ben's footsteps down the hallway. She pulled the covers up to her chest and covered Harrison as Ben walked by. After hearing his footsteps pass by, she let out a sigh of relief and leaned back against her pillow and husband.

Ben was the only one that still lived with them. He had just started his freshman year of high school. Adam lived only a few minutes away with Joanne and Madison. The two of them were also expecting another baby. Emma graduated from Oklahoma and was now a biology professor at the University of Texas. She was also engaged to her fiancé Chris. Billie was still attending Florida.

Chris had gotten the okay to propose to Emma from Harrison and Carrie over the summer. It was after a long talk that they'd finally given the okay. Right now Emma and Chris were very happy together.

Carrie waited a few minutes after Ben walked by to wake Harrison. "Good morning sweetheart," he mumbled with his face pressed against his pillow.

"Morning Harry."

She combed his hair back with her fingers. It was an absolute mess. It was parted multiple different ways and as she ran her fingers through it, there were plenty of knots. When she found a big knot and tried to comb it out, he turned his head to the other side so she couldn't reach it.


"It hurts."

"I'll be gentle."

Harrison turned away from her so she could comb out the knot. It took her a few minutes, but she was able to gently comb it all out.

"Your hair is getting so long now."

"I like it."

She continued to play with his hair. It was almost halfway down to his shoulders. "Cutie," she whispered, curling some of his hair around one of her fingers.

"Excuse me?" He asked with a smile.

"You look cute," she told him, while tracing her fingers along his beard.

Carrie watched his hazel eyes lock with hers. When he held the stare longer, she blushed and looked away. After looking away she could hear him chuckle. Getting her to blush was something he was quite good at. All he had to do was hold a gaze with her for a few moments. Then she would turn away blushing as she just had.

She turned onto her side and stretched out. Harrison did the same while laying on his stomach. The sudden movement caused the covers Carrie pulled up on him, to slip down to his waist. That revealed his still very muscular back.

He closed his eyes while she began to trace patterns on his back with the tips of her fingers. Carrie traced patterns all the way down to his waist and back up again. It wasn't long until he began to shiver from the touch of her nails. But it felt so good. He moaned her name when her fingers trailed down the back of his arms to his sides.

"You like that huh?" She asked while tracing her fingers up his neck to ruffle his hair.

For the next few minutes, Carrie continued to trace patterns along his back until the cold touch of her nails was too much for him. He turned onto his side to face her while letting her hand slide down his chest.

Harrison moved closer to his wife until he had her wrapped up in his arms. He had one arm around her bare back and the other hand on her cheek. Sliding his hand up her back, he used it to pull her closer until her head rested against his chest. For a few minutes, she simply listened to his heartbeat while he every so often placed a tender kiss on her forehead.

"You know, I'm feeling another round," Carrie told him, her words barely audible.

"You have to work don't you?"

She shook her head. "I took today off to spend it with you," she told him. "We could spend it right here," Carrie added with a smile.

"I was thinking a little walk in the woods."

Carrie wrapped both arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. "I think I like it right here."

Harrison tipped her onto her back. He delivered a quick kiss before trailing gentle ones down her neck. Now she had her legs wrapped around his torso and her hands pressed against his strong chest as he tilted his head to the side and kissed her again...


Later that night, after spending all morning in bed, Harrison and Carrie watched Ben's football game. For being a freshman, he was a very good quarterback. In 4 games he'd thrown 20 touchdown passes and no interceptions.

It was the second half with his team up 14-0. As the offense set up at the line of scrimmage, Ben stepped back into shotgun while waving his arms and shouting another play call. When the ball was snapped, the play call turned out to be a good one. The tight end ran a route instead of staying back to block the run. That left on two defenders back in coverage to cover three receivers.

Ben found the open receiver down the sideline who ran for a couple yards before he was taken down by the opposing teams safety. The very next play was a blitz. There was a rush of linebackers and defensive lineman. The offensive line wasn't able to stop them all. One defender broke through the line and had a clear shot at Ben. Their running back tried to intercept the linemen, but he was juked out.

With nobody open downfield, Ben was forced to escape the pocket to find an open receiver. As soon as he left the pocket, two defensive lineman were closing in. And Ben was almost out of bounds. As the linemen closed in, Ben cutback around them. With a burst of speed he broke through the line of scrimmage and gained about 15 yards before he was finally brought down. That run put them in scoring position. Two plays later they were able to score a touchdown.

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