Chapter 5: The Plan...

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Lucys POV

Ugh! I am so sick of Mark and his 'I'm better then you' act!

I am up to here with it!

And his stupid sex toy Cody!

Maybe I should just go Rouge to be done with them.


That's not a bad idea...

Vanessa POV (she needs one soooo bad)

I'm so happy that Lucy came in and stopped everyone hurting me.

I'm positive they broke a few of my ribs but they've healed already.

While I was thinking, Lucy came in with a bright smile on her face.

"Hey!" She said cheerfully to me as she sat in the empty seat beside me.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked cautiously afraid of the answer I might get.

"Well I was just thinking of you know leaving the pack" she said the last few words under her breath, but since I'm a werewolf, I could hear her.

"What?!" I choked out flabbergasted at the idea. She quickly put her hand over my mouth, silencing me.

But it would be good for my health and wolf to get away from this abusive pack.

"Well it's just that I'm sick of Cody and Mark and the rest of them acting as if their better then everyone else" Lucy said with a pained look on her face.

"Do it" I said to her though it was slightly muffled. She removed her hand from my mouth. She looked taken aback by my words.

"Do you think I should?" She asked curiously "on my own?"

"No!" I replied suddenly "I'll go with you. I'm just as sick of this lot then you are"

Before I knew it, I was being hugged to death by Lucy.

After a few minutes of awkwardly hugging her back, Lucy got off me.

"Ok if we are going to go we'll go at midnight so as to make sure everyone's asleep" she whispered so as to make sure no one could hear her.

"Ok where will we meet?" I asked quietly.

"The back door" she replied.

"See you then" I said.

Then we got up and went to our rooms.





I wonder if Lucy and Vanessa's plan will go according to....well plan.
You're gonna have to wait and see my lovelys.

QOTD: What's your favourite singer?

Until next time,

The Elemental OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now