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1 year later

Lucy's POV

"Help me up Luke"

I thrust Luke my hand as I tried to get off the coach. He steadied me by putting and arm around my lower back.

"How are my favourite ladies doing?" He got onto his knees and kissed my large stomach which held my two baby girls.

"We're doing fine" I replied as I tried to waddle my way over to the porch door. Luke opened it for me, allowing me to go outside into the crisp June air. Vanessa and Johnny were playing with the pups while Patrick and Liam were holding hands.

They had announced that they were mates a couple of months ago.

Liam bowed his head towards me slightly as I walked up to him and gave him a huge hug.

"Hey sis" he said as he let go of me with a big grin on his face "how are the twins?"

"There doing great thanks to Papa Luke over there" I gestured to where Luke was lying on the floor, laughing, as some of the pups lay on top of him. Patrick went over to him, leaving Liam and I alone.

"I'm really sorry" Liam said for the twenty millionth time "I didn't mean to hurt you at all I just thought it would be best if I left-"

I punched him in the shoulder to get his attention. He winced and held his shoulder.

"What was that for?" He cried as he massaged his shoulder

"Stop beating yourself up you idiot, I've already forgiven you"

He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. I rolled my eyes and put my arm around his shoulder and hugged him.

"C'mon Liam. You have a better life now. You're in a good pack with good people. You have a nice mate and most of all you have me"

He laughed at my statement and nudged my side. I laughed as well then suddenly, a horrible pain shot through my stomach. I bent over in pain.


Luke, Patrick, Vanessa and Johnny all in circled.

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

"What do we do?"

Liam grabbed me by the shoulders and ushered me inside where I fell on the coach, breathing heavily.

"Someone get the pack doctor!"

Vanessa ran out and got Doctor Richards while the others held my hands and told me to breath.

They weren't helping much.

 A couple of seconds later, Vanessa came back panting and out of breath with Dr Richards who had a small briefcase with him.

"We need to move her to a bedroom" he said to Laim and Luke who both grabbed my by me upper back and lower back and lifted me of the sofa and up the stairs to Luke and I's room.

Dr Richards shut the door, leaving the rest of the pack outside waiting with baited breath. It was only the doctor, Vanessa, Liam, Luke and I in the room.

"Ok Luna, I'm going to need you to push"

(I'm leaving the contractions and stuff out so yeah)

As I held Leah in my arms, I looked up to see Luke holding Laya very carefully and was staring at her with love in his eyes. I handed Leah over to Vanessa who had been dying to hold since she had first cried.

Luke handed Laya to Liam and sat down on our bed.

"They're both beautiful aren't they?" I asked him as Liam smiled down at Laya.

'Yeah, they are"

Ok guys that is the end of The Elemental Omega! It has been and amazing journey with you guys. I remember being so nervous when I first published the first chapter of this book, wondering if anyone would read it and look how many reads it has! I don't know if you guys want a sequel or not but if you do, just comment and vote and I will think about it. I hoped you guys enjoyed the epilogue of the first book I ever wrote and published on this amazing site.





<3 Angel xxx

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