Chapter 10: A Wake up Call

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Lucy's POV


'Ugh' I moaned to myself as I got my lazy ass out of my cocoon of warmth that was my bed.

I knew Vanessa wouldn't be up yet so I got a glass of water from the kitchen and journeyed to her room.

When I got there, I quietly opened the door to see Vanessa leaning against Johnny who were both sound asleep.

I laughed evilly to myself as I creeped up to their bed.

I quietly said "Rise and shine" but all I got was a hunt in response.

"Well if you insist" I sighed as I poured to water on their heads.

They both sat bolt upright, soaked to the core, and glaring daggers at me.

I was at this stage rolling on the ground laughing loudly.

Behind me came Luke and Patrick who were both laughing as well.

"Not cool Lucy" Vanessa and Johnny growled at me.

"Oh don't get your pants in a twist" as I swept my arm towards them and collected the water into my hand.

Patrick, Johnny and Luke all looked amazed as I did this.

Ohh yeah...

"Oh yeah I'm an Elemental" I said nonchalantly to them as I got up and dusted my PJ's.

"We can see that" replied Luke still standing shell-shocked by the door.

"Guys" I snapped "School. Remember?"

"Oh" they all said dumbly as they went back to their rooms slowly.

Vanessa looked at me then burst out laughing.

"See you in the kitchen" she choked out.

After I had a shower and threw on some short shorts and a crop top (to make Luke lustful) I walked downstairs to be greeted with Vanessa who was holding both of our bags.

"Ready?" She said excitedly.

"Sure" I replied as we walked out of the kitchen and to the awaiting car that was ready to take us to school.

Sorry the chapter was short.

It will be longer next time.




<3 Angel

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