Chapter 16: The Return of an Old Enemy

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Lucy's POV

I blocked Vanessa off. There was something about the fear in her voice that didn't sit very well with me. I broke away from Luke looked him in the eye and told him the situation. His eyes turned dark and he began pacing. I knew I wouldn't be able to stop him so I just shifted and took off in the direction of the pack house.

I had only gone a couple of metres when I was knocked over by a huge black wolf. 'What are you doing Luke?' I asked angrily, trying to get out from underneath him. ' You are not going anywhere' he replied 'it's too dangerous'

Oh no he didn't! He's using the 'your a weak female card'. I pushed at the air causing him to whimper and be thrown back. I walked towards him slowly and when I finally reached him, i stood over him and said 'Don't you DARE keep me in the dark while my best friend is being hurt or God knows what'

Before he could say anything, I took off, yet again, in the direction of the pack house. I jumped over tree roots and pushed at the air around me to go even faster then I actually was going. When I finally made it to the pack house, it was pandemonium.

Mothers and their pups were all huddled together while Rouges incircled them, trapping them. Pack warriors were fighting other Rouges while Patrick and Johnny attached two men who looked like the leaders of the Rouges.

I snook up behind one of them but before I could attack him, I was tackled from behind by two small, brown female wolves.

I kicked them off me and turned around to see who hit me. I was about to pounce on them when something got injected into my arm and all I could see was darkness.

I woke up in a dirty, old cage. I grabbed onto a pair of pairs and was about to rip them apart when a searing pain shot through them. I looked down at my arms and saw huge, red burn marks.

'Silver' I thought to myself as I slumped against the opposite side of my cage.

I looked around to see my surroundings. There were about a dozen cages like my own surrounding the room and in all of them, groans and moans of pain could be heard. I tried to shift but since the cage was made of silver, I couldn't. I would've paced back and forth but the cage was so small, I could barely move from one end to the other.

After a couple of hours of waiting for someone to come, a door at the end of the room opened and in came Courtney and...... Cody?

They stopped at my cage and smirked at the look of confusion and anger on my face. "I told you I'd get you back" sneered Cody. I growled at her causing them both to whimper slightly before smirking again.

"Your probably wondering why Cody is here" said Courtney as she paced in front of my cage "well she's cousin"
I stood there flabbergasted as they both laughed at me. "Oh what's wrong, cat got your tongue?"

I suddenly crouched from where I was and pounced onto the other side of the cage where Cody and Courtney were. They both screamed and ran back.

"When I get out of here" I growled at them "you two are dead!" They both looked at each other before sprinting back to where they came. The room fell silent. The wolves that had been moaning with pain minutes earlier had fallen silent. I slumped back against the wall of my cage, planning my escape and the deaths of my captures....




<3 Angel xxx

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