Chapter 7: The WaterSolace Pack

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Lucy's POV

We had been outside pack territory for at least an hour when I heard a twig snap.

I stopped dead as I saw 4 wolves surround Vanessa and I.

Three of the four wolves were pack warriors but I could tell by the power radiating of one of them that one was the Third-in-Command.

"What are you doing on our land Rouges" the Third asked.

"We mean you an harm" I said calmly "We have left our pack because they did not treat us like the rest of the pack"

"We will take you to our Alpha" he replied " I am Third-in-Command Patrick"

"Nice to meet you" Vanessa said quietly behind me.

"Follow us" Patrick said before he shifted into a large dark brown wolf.
After 10 minutes or so, we came upon a huge pack house.

But it was more of a mansion.

It had 10 floors and was about the length of a High School.

"What pack is this?" I asked curiously.

"The WaterSolace pack" Patrick said proudly.

I heard Vanessa gasp silently.

The WaterSolace pack is the largest pack in the US.

We walked into the pack house and up 3 flights of stairs.

When we reached a door at the end of the hall, Patrick stopped us saying " I'll announce your arrival.

He went into what I assumed was the Alphas office.

We waited about 5 minutes before I heard a 'come in'.

When I opened the door, my noise was hit with the most intoxicating smell.

When I walked into the room, my eyes fell on the sexiest wolf I had ever laid eyes on.

He must have smelt it as well because he was looking at me with eyes dark with lust.

"Patrick" he said without taking his eyes of me "Please escort the girl to her room. I'll take this one"

Patrick bowed at his Alpha and led Vanessa out of the room.

As soon as the door was shut, he was beside me.

"What's your name sweetheart?" He said huskily in my ear.

"L-Lucy" I stammered.

I NEVER stammer.

"I'm Alpha Lucas but you can call me Luke" he said looking my body up and down with a wanting look on his face.

He gave me one last look and then went to leave but not without saying " Welcome to the WaterSolace pack"


New chapter!!

QOTD: What's your favourite song?

Angel xxx

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