Chapter 19: Who is Liam?

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Luke's POV


I jumped out the window after her, ignoring the yells of protest from my Beta, Delta and Vanessa. I took off after Lucy and shifted into my black wolf. I ran and ran and ran until I heard the sound of quiet sobbing. I slowed down and shifted behind a tree. I looked oveer to see Lucy sobbing in a small clearing that had a small lake. I was about to step foward when I saw the water from the lake rise up and ingulf Lucy in a ball of crystal clear water.

I stepped back in confusion and fear. Confusion of how this was possible and fear for Lucy. I then remembered that she was an Elemental and since her emotions were probably out of sync, so were her powers.

I stepped foward catiously and slowly made my way to Lucy's side. When I was just outside te sphere of water, I stuck my hand out and catiously put my hand through the sphere. When I touched her, the water around her fell to the ground and she fell into my arms, cying quietly. I took her in my arms and rocked her slowly to sleep. Her crying died down and she started snoring quietly in my arms.

I walked us slowly out of the woods and back to the pack house. I looked down every once and a while to watch her sleep because it was too cute. I walked through the door of the pack house and up the stairs to our bedroom where I layed her down softly and tucked her in.

When I saw that she was fast asleep, I got into bed aswell and wrapped my arm around my Lucy's waist. I felt her tossing and turning and whimpering but all I did was hold her tightly and wisper nice things to her.

When I woke up the next morning, I turned to see Lucy walking out of the shower. She didn't notice me watching her until she was about to drop her towel.

"Hey" I said cooly as she saw me behind her in the reflection of a mirror. She screamed loudly, almost dropping her towel in the progress. She turned to me and gave me a look that could kill.

"Don't do that Luke!" she said angrily as she stomped into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I chuckled lightly to myself and got out of bed. I walked slowly to the bathroom door and carefully opened it without making a sound. When it was almost open fully, I was hit with a snowball.

I fell backwards onto my butt and rubbed the snow from my eyes. When I could see properly, I saw Lucy, fully dressed, laughing her butt off. I growled lowly as I got to my feet and stalked over to her. Lucy saw me, squeaked, and ran to the door. She threw it open and ran down the hallway to the stairs.

I took off after her. I mind linked everyone not to let her out of the house and when I was almost at the bottom of the stairs, I saw Patrick standing in front of the door, blocking Lucy's exit. Patrick grinned at me, causing Lucy to turn around.

Her eyes widened like a deer caught in headlights and in one swift movement, Patrick was thrown away from the door and Lucy was gone.

I sighed in frustration and took off after her. I saw her shift behind a tree and take off into the forest. I quickly shifted as well and took off. When I was almost able to tackle her, large roots from nearby trees came out from the ground and wrapped themselves around my hind legs.

I whimpered slightly but that turned into a soft growl when I saw Lucy's white wolf, Melissa, laughing her tail off. The roots around me loosened slightly allowing me to reak free of them.

I ran up to Lucy and tackled her. She shifted underneath me but continued to laugh. I shifted as well and chuckled lightly. I loved seeing her happy.

I sat up, craddling her on my lap. She looked into my eyes then looked down again. Before I could ask, she began to explain why she was so upset.

"Liam is my twin brother" she began "We used to do everything together, we were inseprable. My parents-" she swallowed loudly when she mentioned her parents "My parnets loved us to pieces and used to laugh when we finished each others sentences"

"But then there was a rouge attack at my old pack. My father was a pack warrior so he had to go fight. He was one of the many killed" I saw tears running down her face and I cuddled her. She sniffed and continued her story.

"My mother was heartbroken. She wouldn't eat or sleep and refused to be around other pack members. Then one day, when Liam and I were coming home from school, we found her body in the forest. She had killed herself"

"Something inside Liam chanded that day. He wasn't the brother I had shared everything with anymore. He was completely different. He started hanging out with bad people and completely ignored me"

"Then one night, I saw him sneaking out. I asked him were he was going and he replied 'Somewhere where I am appreciated' and that was the last I saw of him"

Lucy was now fully crying and all I could do was hold her close and tell her everything would be alright. But I felt so helpless. I couldn't do anything to help her. As she cried her heart out, I made a vow to myself.

I vowed that Liam would pay for what he had done to my mate.

Wow! This is the longest chapter I have ever written! I think that deserves a vote don't you?

QOTD: What do you think Liam went the night he left Lucy?





<3 Angel xxx

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