Chapter 14: Seducing the Playboys

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Lucy's POV

The next few days were the same. Vanessa and I would would go to school learn nothing then come back to the pack house.

Regarding the bet between Luke and I, neither of us had cracked and considering that I would be going into heat soon, my chance to make him amazingly jealous was becoming smaller and smaller.

Today I was going to try to seduce some of the playboys who had been eyeing me up since I've stepped foot in the school. I need led to do this and I was determined to do so since yesterday's incident.

I was waking past Luke's locker when I saw him opey flirting with Queen Bea AKA Courtney who was twirling her hair around her finger and giggling stupidly.

I just stood there growling lowly at them and slowly started growling louder and louder before Courtney noticed me.

She just laughed at me before giving me th finger and turning away. In that moment of weakness, I trapped her by her, dyed might I add, brunette locks and pouched her squad in the jaw.

I heard a sickening crunch but since Courtney was a werewol (and the pack slut) she was already healing. She ran away with tears in her eyes and I turned angrily to Luke who was smirking knowingly.

"You think this is soooo funny don't you?" I asked him as I crossed my arms and glared at him.

"No' he said as he wiped the fake tears out of his eyes "It's just that I am sooo gonna win"

"In your dreams" I said before I stomped off forgetting my intention to go to my locker before the end of the day.

It's now Tuesday and, with the help of Vanessa, am dressed in a tight denim skirt and a 'I Hate P.E.' crop top. As I walked into school, I got wolfwhistles from the guys, glares from the girls and whispers from the gossipers who will have told everyone about my new outfit by lucnhtime.

As I walked past the jocks or as I mentioned earlier. the Playboys, I winked at them and walked off swaying my hips more then usual.

The rest of day was normal apart from the whispers that followed me everywhere I went. By lunchtime, as I predicted, the whole school new about me.

In the cafeteria, I walked up to the playboys table which included Luke. When he saw me, he growled at what I was weraing.

'Oh this will be good'

"Hello boys" I said seductivly as I reachd their table "Mind if I take a seat?"

"No problem babe" they said as two guys moved apart to allow me to seat.

"So sweatheart" one of them, a darkhaired one, asked me "Looking for a good time with us" he smirked as he looked me up and down.

"Maybe" I said mysteriously trying to catch someones eye in praticular "but you'll have to be good"

Most of them started looking at me lustfully but as soon as they did they were cut off by a growl from an angry, possesive Alpha who was sitting at the front of the table. They immediatley muttered and 'Sorry Alpha' before going back to their food.

"Lucy" Luke said suddenly standing up "Can I talk to you for a moment in private"

It was more of an order than anything else so I just shrugged, waved goodbye to the playboys before following him. I could feel people staring at my butt so I swayed my hips some more before leaving the cafeteria.

When we reached and empty janitors closet, Luke pushed me in to it and came in himself. When he closed the door he turned on me.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" he yelled as he threw his arms into the air "Why are you doing this?!"

I just pouted innocentley and said "I'm just trying to win a bet"

He stared at me for a second then growled and held me by my waist.

"You are mine and mine alone"

"Well" I said pulling him off me "not until someone kisses someone else"

Luke looked like he was fighting a battle with his wolf pondering on whether to kiss me or not. After and eternity of waiting for him to say somethig, he looked at me longingly.

"Well here goes nothing"



QOTD: What do you think is going to happen next?




Angel xxx

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