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Hey everyone! I know I am in the middle of another story, but I just couldn't keep this idea in! Let me know if you have any idea's for love interests or anything really! Also, if you curl this girl's hair, this is basically what Janis looks like.

Name: Janis, the Hydra's Sin of Deception, the Phantom Queen

Family: Unknown names, except Jonas, her younger brother.

Race: Banshee

Magic: Foresight (Being able to see how people will die), Screech (her scream of death, as she screams, it drains a target's life force), Reveal (Show the phantom of a person's loved one. The person must be present in order to summon the phantom.)

Sacred Treasure: Durendal. (A long sword that is made of mist. It allows Janis to become mist, as well as an amplifier for her other magic). Becomes mist until it is needed, then Janis has the ability to summon it.

Description: Curly red hair that goes halfway down her back when unbound, but it is kept in a braid most of the time. She has dark green eyes that swirl with black when she uses her powers. She smiles most of the time, unless she is working (all the time in the beginning) then she is very serious looking, can be quite scary. She usually wears a grey-green dress and a dark green cape that hides her features, few know what she looks like, but she never wears armor when fighting. She's immortal as well, and if she isn't, she hasn't found out yet.

Height: 5'8

Likes: Gardening, nature, singing, smiling, sleeping, sunshine, quiet, cooking, Elizabeth, the Seven Deadly Sins, reading, helping others

Dislikes: Killing, moles, spicy food, disappointing people, watching others die, being thought to be evil just because she is a banshee.

Flaws: Has a tendency to daydream, doesn't open up to people easily, not easily motivated to hurt others

Strengths: Extremely graceful, kind hearted, loves to help where she can, she will protect anyone she considers family, talented fighter, good at strategizing, using people's weakness to her advantage, when fighting she will get her job done.

Personality: Janis is a sleeping dragon in a way; she can be aggressive and deadly, but it takes a lot to get her to that point. She loves to smile and is always looking for a reason to be happy, sadly, because she is the sin of deception, she is almost never trusted. She loves to be around those who she cares about, but would rather be alone otherwise. She is an assassin for the kingdom but only does it because she has to, and every death weighs heavily on her shoulders.

Past: Janis was raised in a human village, who all believed her family and her to be human as well. She was trained by her father, who had been an elite warrior for the kingdom, to fight well. She excelled in that as well as seeing situations in a strategic way, and so she made plans to travel to the Capital in order to enlist, but before she could, a rouge banshee murdered several people in the town. It was discovered that her whole family was banshees, which led to them being condemned to death. Her family was chopped to pieces and burned, but she was saved by Meliodas on the condition that she would be an assassin for the kingdom, as well as a member of the Eight Deadly Sins.

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