Chapter 10- An Explanation

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A/N I just want to let everyone know that I'm going to go off the anime for a little bit. To be honest, I don't really want to finish off the season so quickly and poor Janis has only just gotten back with the gang, there is still a lot I want to happen, so I'm going to make it work out.


I located the other sins and reformed in the middle of everyone, Ban and King bath ran to me and gave me huge hugs and Gowther nodded at me in welcome while the others simply looked at me in discomfort. I sighed and turned to Gowther, "Do you think it would be possible to transmit what happened ten years ago to the heads of the others? I would explain normally, but this is the only sure way for them to believe what I'm saying."

He nodded then a light flashed from my head to all the others, and their eyes widened, "Janis, you really didn't kill him?" Elizabeth choked out in relief and I nodded, then the questions began.

"What have you been doing the last ten years then?" "What about when you attacked Gilthunder?" "How come King and Ban seem to be so comfortable around you?" "What happened at the fighting festival?"

I cut off the questions by holding up my hand, "I'll answer everyone's questions, but I just want to say first, I'm sorry I never opened up to you when we were a team. I missed out on a lot with you guys, but I plan on making up for that." I smiled gently at them and then took a deep breath to begin the explanation.

"For the last ten years, I've been traveling between villages, trying to find a place to fit in. I eventually settled in the village of Kaynes, which I did my best to protect. I was there until I found Elizabeth, then I followed along and watched over you for a while. When Gilthunder threw a spear at Meliodas and he returned it, I followed behind to talk to him. it turns out that Gil has been basically held captive and is being forced to be a jerk against his will, so when we talked I cast a mist shield so whoever was keeping an eye on him wouldn't be able to hear us. It was very enlightening, and he told me many things, including the location of Ban and King; he also asked if I could perhaps get in contact with them through a mist connection with Durendal."

"I got in contact with King in the White Forest, and I convinced him that I wasn't a threat. I'm sure that you guys basically know what happened with Ban, so I'll jump to after that. I was heading to the Necropolis to talk to King before you got there, but I felt a sudden burst of demon energy. It was coming from one of the Holy Knights, so I decided it was time to see what the heck was going on. I followed the path to the Capital, and when I was there I decided that the best way to be able to research this would be to become a holy Knights apprentice, and eventually I found out the Grand Holy Knight Hendrickson was experimenting with demon's blood."

"I witnessed him giving a red demon's blood to two Holy Knight's apprentices, do you remember Jericho? She was one of them, and the only one to survive. That is when people like her and Gila have come from, they were created from demon's blood; I won't hesitate to say that I'm worried about that, it could turn out to have very severe consequences for the kingdom." At that point, I stopped momentarily and sighed, looking at the ground and remembered the poor soul who blew up at the face of the demon's power.

"And the festival?" Meliodas prompted gently, I think that this new information helped him see me a little clearer.

"Well, Ban invited me, and I couldn't resist, so I came along. The person I fought in the semi-finals turned out to be my brother who died over a hundred years ago. He transported me to the Necropolis and we talked. Apparently, the world of the dead has become unstable since I am basically the last decent banshee, it was going to fall on me to bring back the balance. He told me that if I accepted, the number of death omens I would have would shoot up, which is what happened when everyone else was fighting the new generation Holy Knights. I was found out by one of the trainer Holy Knights, which is why I can't go back to the capital but then I was sucked under by a wave of death omens. I actually saw your sister die, I'm so sorry Elizabeth; I know what it feels like to have someone you love die in your arms."

She bowed her head and nodded sadly. I grinned as Meliodas put his arm around her in comfort, though I did see Diane glaring at them slightly. I guess I could only do what I could to make my ships a reality; I looked at Ban and realized that he was rolling his eyes at me.

"Anyways, that is basically everything up until now, except for the fact that when I went to talk to the Roars of Dawn, they said that Halbrum was the one who was behind the kill order of the armored giant; I'm pretty sure that they are getting a bit suspicious, but I know them, their loyalty to the crown will prevent them from doing anything without an order. Though I'm pretty sure that we will be seeing more of them as time goes on."

Now that I was finally done with my story, everyone looked at me in awe, after a few minutes of everyone letting this new information sink in, both Diane and Meliodas approached me. "I am so sorry Janis, I had no idea what you had been through with everything. I only saw you as the remote assassin and I never tried to dig any deeper, which is a huge part of what led to this happening." Meliodas bowed slightly to me, "Can you ever forgive me?"

"Yeah, I just followed Captain's lead, and I never bothered to actually get to know you, to be honest, you seem really sweet and I would love to get to know you more. Would you give me that honor?" Diane asked sweetly.

"You guys don't have to ask for forgiveness, I forgave you a long time ago. May I please join you on your quest to save Liones?" Everyone smiled and Ban yelled in happiness.

"This is amazing, and guess what it calls for? A party!" Meliodas and Hawk agreed and suddenly there was food and booze and people were already drinking. I smiled at the happy atmosphere that surrounded me; this is what I had been missing out on, I was so glad to know these people.

"Hey, Janis," a very drunk Ban called out to me, "Could you sing to us without putting everyone to sleep? I remember your voice and it was goooodd!" He slurred and I smiled.

"Of course, Ban, that wouldn't be an issue." I thought about what I could sing then stood up and started singing a song that my Mother had sung to me as a child called Scarborough Fair.

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Are you going to Scarborough Fair

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme

Remember me to one who lives there

He once was a true love of mine

Tell him to make me a cambric shirt

Parsley sage rosemary and thyme

Without no seams nor needle work

Then he'll be a true love of mine

Tell him to find me an acre of land

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme

Between the salt water and the sea strand

Then he'll be a true love of mine

Are you going to Scarborough Fair

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme

Remember me to one who lives there

He once was a true love of mine


By the time I was done, I looked around and saw everyone asleep except Gowther; I swear that I didn't put magic into my song, I guess they were all just really tired. With Gowther's help, I got everyone to a bed (They really shouldn't have left it to us, seeing as how none of us knew where anyone slept), but when I was putting Ban down, he grabbed my waist in my sleep and pulled me down with him.

My face turned bright red, and I struggled briefly to get up, but he showed no signs of letting go, so I sighed and allowed myself to be pulled into his chest. I saw Gowther looking at us curiously, but I simply shooed him out of the room and then fell asleep; for the first time in over a century, I felt safe where I was and as I slipped into oblivion, I had a smile beaming on my face.

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