Chapter 2- Captain?!

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Obviously, the Princess is not good with directions. She should have gotten to where she was going in a day, but she got horribly lost within the first three hours, so I've been following her around for two days now... Yeah, I probably should have helped her, but I just kept hoping that she would figure it out on her own, oh well.

Finally, she started going in the right direction, and as she approached the hill east of the town, I noticed that there was a pub on top of the hill that I would swear hadn't been there a week ago. I could see the Princess struggling again, but she staggered into the pub before I needed to help out. I hovered near the window and what I saw made me gasp.

"Captain!" There he was; Meliodas, the dragon's sin of wrath and captain of the Eight Deadly Sins. I watched with bated breath as he approached the Princess and asked her what she was doing. Memories flooded my head of our time together, and how we had parted, "What you have done is unforgivable, Janis!" The princess fell over, and the Captain rushed over to her to help now that her helmet had fallen off and revealed her identity.

I glided over to the trees by the pub and reformed; I sat in the branches and closed my eyes, still absorbed in the past. What I would give to go back and change what had been done, how I wished that I could have the chance to explain myself to the Captain. As I continued pondering I drifted off, tired out by my days spent in my mist form.


When I woke up, I heard soldiers gossiping as they banged on the door to the pub, I leaned forward to catch what they were saying. I looked close and recognized one of the soldiers, it was Alioni, Gareth's older brother; he was telling the older soldiers about his time seeing the "handiwork" of the Seven Deadly Sins. I sighed quietly, I really needed to stop expecting people to know about me, the eighth sin. The door opened and Meliodas stepped out putting on his famous innocent act, if I hadn't wanted to avoid detection, I would have snorted. If Captain was innocent, I would eat my sword.

I did however choke when a pig walked out wearing parts of Elizabeth's armor and yelling at the soldiers. 'Where the heck did you find him, Meliodas?'  I was so entranced by the Captain of the order of Scraps Disposal, that I nearly missed Elizabeth running out the back door.

"Hey, it's a girl! I bet that's the knight, after her! I knew that Meliodas would take care of it, so I didn't worry too much, but I followed behind cautiously, just in case. I pulled out Durendal once again, and whispered, "Mist body" I saw Captain look my way briefly, but I just kept on going, knowing that I disappeared before he would have been able to see me.

I watched, impressed as the pig (whose name I quickly learned was Hawk) took out the entire squad of soldiers. We continued racing through the forest until we reached the edge of a cliff, where Meliodas pulled Elizabeth out of the way, but Alioni wasn't as fortunate and got pushed off the edge by Hawk. If I could have, I would've screamed as I raced on as fast as I could in my mist and flew over the edge of the cliff, catching Alioni and gently lowered him to the ground.

This caused my mist body to dissipate, and I collapsed, having used a lot of energy over the past couple of days, "Who are you?" Alioni looks at me franticly, obviously starting to feel the effects of shock, "Where did you come from, and how did you just appear like that? For that matter, how am I not dead, and-"

"Alioni, calm down. Gareth would have been sad if you would have died right before you came home for a week on leave." He looks at me in shock, his eyes spark with fear and surprise.

"Ho-how do you know Gareth?" He asks weakly and I laugh.

"Don't worry about it Alioni, Gareth and I are good friends! When you see him, tell him that Miss Jane says goodbye, and that I'll miss him." I smile up at him sadly and then stand up; when I look up "Crap" The captain is heading towards us.

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