Chapter 7- A Fight to Remember

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I walked through the crowd, trying to sign up before the contest started and got to the pipsqueak in charge moments before the sign-up ended, "Cutting it a bit close, aren't you?" He yelled and I just nodded.

"Are you sure a girl should be allowed to sign up? I mean, that seems kind of cruel to put her against a beast like me, doesn't it?" I groaned as I recognized a familiar voice, Sir Pig had come to join in on the fighting, along with another Holy Knight, I believe his name was Howser.

"Come on, if the lady wants to fight, then let her. Although, she doesn't look like she'll have an issue defending herself." Howser commented and I grinned under my mask, I knew exactly who I would be targeting in the preliminaries, Sir Pig was going down!

The contestants were called into the ring and I immediately spotted ban, Meliodas, and even King... Wait, what? King?! I laughed to myself and shook my head, knowing them, Ban probably convinced him to join to impress Diane, this should be amusing.

The bell rang and immediately I had to duck under a fist, this guy seemed decent, and if weren't me he was against, he could have won; but as it was, he was against the best and was out of the ring in a second. I continued to duck, weave, and kick my way through the arena, avoiding where Sir Pig was, I wanted to really wanted to take my time with him and dress him down so he could possibly deflate his big ego.

 Barely ten minutes had passed before the bell rang, ending the preliminaries; in the ring still were Ban, Meliodas, King (surprisingly), some girl named Matrona (I suspected it was Diane somehow, because Matrona was someone from her past.), Some old guy named Cain, another named Taizoo and several of the holy knights including Howser, Sir Pig, and Griamore. Oh, I was in there too, of course.

The contestants were invited back to a small hut off the ring and the commentator told us the rules and gave us the matchups for the first round; to my complete delight, I was put with Sir Pig and we would be going right after Cain and Old Fart (King), and Meliodaz and Ba'an would be right after us (I don't need to explain who those two are, right?).

I left the hut and waited for the King and Ban to come out before I snagged their arms and dragged them through the crowd, trying to make it as inauspicious as possible. "Hey what do you think you're doing? Get your hands off us!" Ban cried out and I sighed, quickly forming a mental link with them before they could draw attention from anyone.

"Shut up you idiots, it's just me! Pipe down or we could get in trouble." When they heard my voice, both of their eyes got really big.

"Holy Crap Janis, I had wondered, but you look good in that outfit! Where'd you get it?" Ban asked, sounding a little too impressed.

"This is pre-Eight Deadly Sins days, I figured that no one would recognize me in it, and it looks pretty good, so I figured why not?"

I didn't give them another chance to talk as I pulled them to somewhere to talk, "Uh, Janis, if you don't mind me asking, why are we still talking through our mental link?" King asked that then Ban threw in another question.

"Yeah, and why are we talking in the middle of a huge crowd?"

I severed the link and turned to them, "I just wanted to shut you two up without drawing attention, so I formed the link, you are the ones who continued the conversation that way; and Ban, the first rule to having covert conversations is to appear like you aren't having a covert conversation. acting like you want secrecy is a sure-fire way to draw attention."

They both nodded and I continued, "We don't have much time, but there is something I need to tell you before today is done; ideally, I would tell the whole team, but this isn't something I want to talk about unless I have their full trust. The reason I went to the capital is that I have been sensing demonic magic coming from several of the Holy Knights; it happens randomly as well, so I know that these aren't just isolated incidents... I was investigating these and up until yesterday I had no luck, but then I not only found the demonic source of the energy, I also discovered why some of the Holy Knight's apprentices are gaining full powers overnight."

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