Chapter 17- Consequences

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We walked back into the sunlight and I shielded Ban and Hawk from a blast that was sent our way, "What in the world is going on?" Ban muttered and walked up to Meliodas, who was struggling to stand.

I saw the look in his eyes and caught up with him, "Ban don't. Remember that the Goddesses were lying, they can't bring back Elaine and if they did, it would be as a hollow shell of the woman she was." He took a deep breath and turned to me.

"I promised her that I would see her again, I'm sorry Janis, but I have to at least try."

He was about to lunge at the Captain, when I grabbed his arm, "Oh no you don't!" He looked like he wanted to take a swing at me, "I can take you to the visitor's side of the Necropolis when you want to go, so don't make the mistake of alienating one of your best friends for something stupid like this. If it'll make you feel better, then challenge him to a duel later, but we have bigger issues on our hands right now." He grunted and walked to the bedraggled group slowly.

Meliodas looked more panicked than I had ever seen him and before I could even ask what was wrong, he looked at me and shouted, "He took her, Hendrickson took Elizabeth, and she just let him do it! We have to go after them!" I nodded and walked over to him.

"Captain, we all right beside you, so don't worry about it, I know that you want to save her, so you go on and we'll make sure no one gets hurt." He nodded and then dropped onto Hawk, falling asleep right away as Hawk yelled to Elizabeth that they were coming.

I turned to everyone to form a plan when I was suddenly whisked away into my death vision room; I saw Elizabeth lying on the ground in a puddle of blood, and Meliodas cradled her head as he sobbed. My eyes widened as Hendrickson appeared behind Meliodas and stabbed him through the chest, causing blood to erupt from Meliodas' mouth and he collapsed on top of Elizabeth. Hels words ran through my head as I saw this, 'If he dies now, then so will this world.' I came to myself and saw everyone looking at me with concern in their eyes, "Guys, there's been a change of plans, I'm going after Meliodas, you take care of everyone else." I started running away, yelling over my shoulder, "I'll explain later, I promise!" I knew that I was not allowed to stop the deaths that I had seen, but this circumstance was a bit different, and I was willing to accept the punishment for saving the world.

I found Elizabeth right as Hendrickson shot a bolt of energy was fired at her and I realized that to stop Meliodas' death, I had to stop Elizabeth's. I used my mist body to get in-between her and the bolt and I deflected it just in time and then launched an attack on Hendrickson myself, though I was quickly incapacitated as pain shot through my head. I was only barely able to tell that Meliodas had finally gotten here and was continuing my fight with him as I dropped to my knees; all the death I had prevented by saving these two-people appeared and I cursed. I couldn't even number the amount, it was so vast, but there was a sense of pride in the fact that I had just saved everyone I loved as well as the good majority of the country.

I felt myself being pulled away, and I groaned, this was not going to be good.


I don't know how much time had passed since I had lost consciousness; but ever since I had woken up, I was in a dark cell, with my hands shackled above my head, and my feet barely brushing against the floor. Durendal's presence was not with me, so I couldn't use my mist body to get out of this, and I knew that all of my connections with others had been severed.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? The Necropolis' hope has broken the rules, and in a major way too. How shameful." Whoever was in this room with me was practically cackling with glee, "I don't think I've seen a banshee screw up this royally since... well... ever! My dear, I don't think you realize how much joy you've brought me with this, because now I have a new subject here to test!"

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