Chapter 3- Into the Woods We Go

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Following Meliodas, Hawk, and Elizabeth had been rather boring, I watched as they went to a village and Meliodas pulled a sword from the ground, releasing the water that had been stored there by a Holy Knight. The more I learned about these knights, the more concerned I was becoming, 'If they would stoop to doing something like this, then they have stooped even lower than I thought they would have.'

I was sitting at the top of a cliff, when I felt an enormous amount of power approach, I looked and saw a spear coming in, and watched as Meliodas caught it and then threw it back, after being dragged through most of the town. If that spear was thrown by who I think it was, then he could very well have more info on where the other sins are.

I looked at the Boar Hat and sighed. I wanted nothing more than to talk to the captain and explain what had happened, but something told me that now wasn't the best time; besides, I had overheard where they were heading, so there was no real reason for me to follow them all the way there. A small side journey could be good.

 I grinned to myself and transformed into my mist body, not bothering to look back before I zoomed in the direction that the spear had been thrown from. 'I'll see you soon Captain, and when I do, I'll explain everything to you, I promise!"


I finally made it to the tower and watched from a small distance as the tower collapsed and the attendants swarmed about like ants. I had to wait for a good moment to talk to the knight because I really didn't want to have to worry about the entire kingdom being notified on my return.

After about an hour of waiting, my target was left alone in a meeting room, and I stole in, still cloaked in my mist body, cloaking my powers behind a shield.

"Whoever's there can come out. I sense your presence." He called out, and I chucked, putting away Durendal but not putting my mental shield down at all.

"You've gotten a lot more observant since I last saw you. I remember when you were just a kid, following Meliodas around like a lost puppy." I grinned as he whipped around, grasping his sword and glaring at me.

"Who are you? I don't remember your face, and I don't like feeling like I'm at a disadvantage." He said calmly, drawing his sword slowly and trying hard to appear threatening.

"Why I'm injured. I played with you all the time when you were young, and I was practically like a big sister to you, Little Gil." I smirked as his faced distorted in confusion and then realization slowly dawned, taking the color with it and causing his sword to lower.

"Janis?" He said quietly and I nodded. I honestly wanted to run over and give him a hug, but that would be one of the dumber things I could do at that moment, especially since his sword was still drawn and he looked ready to run me through. 

He cleared his throat and looked at the ground, "I never thought I'd see you again, especially after that day."  I nodded and then pulled out Durendal and whispered, "Mist shield."

He looked at me confused and I smiled at him, "I sensed that you had an eavesdropper, so this shield should give us a few minutes to talk in peace. What is going on Gil?" I asked, but before he answered, I gasped as his armor dug into my body as he hugged me.

"I never thought I'd see you again, Jan. I saw you there when Dad died, but I couldn't do anything. I am so sorry that all of this has happened." I felt a small wet spot spreading on my shoulder and my eyes widened as I realized that Gilthunder, one of the kingdom's strongest Holy Knights, was crying.

"Gil, it's okay, there was nothing any of us could do. You know how my hands are tied in situations like that. Anyways, we don't have much time until whoever is trying to get through my shield succeeds, so we need to talk."

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