Chapter 18- A New Threat

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A/N Just so you know, this first part will be dark; I was watching a movie on the Holocaust when I was writing it, and I feel like that made it so that everything was a lot darker.


"No!" I screamed and bolted upright in bed; my chest was heaving and I was breathing heavily as the cobwebs of the nightmare remained with me. For the past several nights I had been having the same dream, I was standing in my family home, surrounded all those I cared about, and slowly, one by one people came in and dragged them out. When I ran to the window to see what was happening, I saw them being lined up out in the courtyard and different ones had different things happening to them.

Some nights what happened to them was faded out, while others it was as clear as a bell; the ones that were human or mortal like Elizabeth, Hawk, and Gilthunder were executed with a simple beheading. The others all had their individual executions, King was forced to reveal his wings, and he was pinned to a wall like a butterfly and injected with lethal toxins. Meliodas was killed in a fashion similar to Zaratras after he was first beheaded, Ban was torn to pieces and then the pieces were sealed in boxes so that he could never reform.

I was forced to watch as all of the others died, and then a voice would always sound from behind me, "You stopped one enemy, but you how can you protect everyone against me? If you force me to fight you, this will become a reality; I have been known to show mercy to those who kneel before me, but my anger will be swift and harsh to all who oppose me."

Usually, at this point, I would wake up, but tonight I was able to turn around and face him, he appeared as a young man with slicked back black hair, and piercing green eyes. He wore green and black leather armor, that had good embellishments and a golden helmet that looked like horns sprouting from his head. I glared at him and snapped back, "I'm assuming that you are the Father of Hel, Loki." He nodded with a malicious grin and I continued, "I will have you know that no matter the cost, we will defeat you. I could care less what your position is, but you are going up against your doom. I promise you, in the end, you will be the one bowing to me."

His eyes widened a bit and he shook his head and then took several steps closer to me; he reached out and grabbed a lock of my long, curly red hair and brought it to his nose, inhaling gently, "You are far more amusing than I had originally thought you would be, Janis. I do believe that I will keep you as a pet after I watch your friends die around you; that should teach you whom should be bowing to."

I reached out to smack him, but my hand went through air, and I heard his deep chuckle behind me. I turned around slowly and saw him leaning against the window sill, looking at me as though I was a puzzle that needed to be solved. "My dear, prepare yourself, because once I gain possession of you, you will never escape me, and you will spend the rest of your long life at the foot of my throne. You and your world will be mine."

It was at that point that I was able to drag myself out of the dream and I sat up screaming in bed. I heard thumps outside my door and Ban burst in, looking as though he had been deeply asleep before I woke him up, "Janis, what's wrong? I heard you scream, what happened?"

All I could do was shake my head and sigh, "It was nothing, just a nightmare, don't worry Ban." I didn't realize that I was still shaking until he walked up to me and put his hand on my head.

"You sure about that, Jan?" He didn't give me time to respond before he sat down with me and Wrapped me in a soft hug, "You know you can tell me anything, right? You've always been there for me when I was struggling, so I want to be here for you to." I nodded and turned into his embrace, gripping him tightly and trying to ignore the fact that he was shirtless.

"Thanks Ban, but for now, I'll pass, once I figure something out, then I'll tell you; okay?" He sighed in frustration at my stubbornness and I stood up on shaky legs, "I'm going to go get breakfast, you coming?" I called over my shoulder and he caught up to me in a heartbeat.


A/N So this is a super short chapter, but don't worry, the next one should be out as soon as I can figure out how I want the upcoming battle to go! Sorry about the long wait, but I swear I will do my best to update this once a week!


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