Chapter 12- Going Back

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Getting lost in your thoughts is never a good idea, very little good will ever come out of it, and for me especially, it usually just focuses on the past in a dark way. As a banshee, my flashbacks tend to be more intense usually, and this one was no exception, I was reliving the day my family died over and over again, which would explain why there were tears slowly running down my cheeks.

Just as my brother's screams were about to echo in my ears, again, my consciousness was sucked into a dark room, 'A death omen.' I thought to myself, 'Wait, that's odd. Why isn't the window showing anything? This has never happened before.' I started inching my way to the window to check it out, but a bright white light shot through it and nearly blinded me.

I covered my eyes and squinted as a voice rang out, "Hello Janis, Hydra's sin of Deception, it's good to finally be able to speak with you." It sounded as though many people were talking in unison; yet, it also sounded like one female, how confusing

"Who are you?" I asked harshly, I was not getting a good feeling about this.

"We are the Goddess clan, we have existed for millennia, just as your people have, though right now, we are confined to our realm."

"Okay, so you're the Goddesses who instigated the Great War between the races; what could you possibly want with me?" I asked.

"You are the last Banshee who follows the path of light, and you are the one chosen to help bring back the balance to the world of death, you hold more power than you could possibly know."

"Yeah, sure. that still doesn't explain much.

"Patience, young one. We have need of your assistance. There is a threat to all people that would destroy the balance that you have so tentatively maintained; it could also bring back the demon race, which would be the end for all people."

I leaned forward a bit, despite the blinding light; no matter how I felt about this, what they were talking about was important.

"We ask you because you are one of the few we can contact, and the most likely to succeed in what we will ask you to do. Will you accept this task?"

"I'm not saying yes to anything without knowing what. Some might accept just because you say that you are the Goddesses, but I'm afraid that life has taught me that trusting blindly is a bad idea."

"We see you are a cautious soul, that is fine for now, we will humor you this once. The threat is one that has existed for centuries, it is a half demon that has pretended to be an ally for long enough. His name is Meliodas, the Dragon's sin of wrath and the Captain of the Eight Deadly Sins." They paused and my jaw dropped, these people saw Meliodas as a major threat, what the heck?

"We see your confusion, but please know that we ask you this because it is necessary, if you want to save the ones you love, both the living and the dead, you will agree to help us and kill Meliodas."

My brain kicked back in and I snapped, "Okay, so you want me to kill one of the only people who has accepted me in the last century, did I get that right? Well, let me think... No. I will not do it, no matter what you say Goddesses, I really don't care about your supposed authority and if this world needs saving from some big threat, then I will do it with him by my side."

"You have no idea what you are speaking of, child; you do not know of the things Meliodas has done, and what he can do. He is a threat that you will eliminate if you wish those you care about to remain safe."

"First of all; Meliodas is one of those people I care about, so killing him would be counterproductive. Second; if you want to kill someone for because their past is dark, or they have dangerous potential, then kill me! I have killed many in cold blood, and I have more ability to hurt other because of my training and magic than any other banshee out there; honestly, I am just as much of a threat as Meliodas if you judge by those standards. And finally, it is not my place to kill Meliodas, it never has been, and I refuse to take that burden upon myself, so you can just buzz off."

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