Chapter 13- The Necropolis

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I stepped off Hawk's mom, and into the desolate little ruins that were the gateway to the Necropolis and looked around in awe. "My parents always told me stories about this place, but I had no idea what to expect until now."

"But these are just a bunch of abandoned ruins, there is nothing special about that." Ban said from beside me and I groaned.

"Obviously, you don't see how important this place is to our people, this is the gateway to understanding everything we are. You see, for a banshee to truly understand and be able to do their duty, they have to visit the Necropolis at least once. Until then, we know the basics, but it's a bit like singing the words of a foreign song without understanding the lyrics, it just isn't as powerful."

Everyone else followed us and King smiled gently at me, "I think I get it, the reason you are so excited to see this place, in particular, is because this is your last step before you finally understand your purpose." I nodded and walked through the village towards where the gate was.

"Hey, you're back!" A voice called out and I saw two souls step out and wave to the other sins. My jaw dropped and I ran over to them, "Are you two the gatekeepers?" I asked excitedly and they smiled at me.

"Yes, we are; everyone's been expecting you, Janis." I gaped and the little girl giggled, "Your brother told us that you would be on your way, it sounded like something serious happened when he was pulled out of the spirit world." I sighed and nodded, then stood and walked to the gate, but was stopped by a hand pulling my dress.

"Miss Janis, could you talk to your brother for me while you are here? He keeps hitting on me, and while my soul is older than his, my form is only seven years old; it's kind of creepy." She made a face and I laughed.

"I'll see what I can do, but I might not be able to do much, he's always been the worst flirt I've ever known." She groaned but nodded and faded away with her brother.

I turned back to my friends, who were all staring at me as though I had grown horns, "What?" I asked in confusion.

"Who were you talking to?" Ban asked.

"Oh, that! I was talking to two souls who serve as the guardians of the gate, they seemed like they knew you."

"Was it a little girl and a boy?" King as curiously.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"They were here last time we came to the Necropolis, we fed them and everything." Ban said casually and Elizabeth gasped.

"You mean those two sweet kids were just souls!" She looked slightly sad and I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, they were dead, but don't worry about them, they are some of the happiest souls I've ever met; besides, it seems like they've been dead for several hundred years, so they are just fine." I turned away and addressed the whole group, "I'm sorry to ask this, but could you stay back until I've opened the gate? I don't want any of your memories of the dead to send us to the wrong part of the Necropolis. Once I've opened it, hurry and enter, because it'll close quickly."

Without waiting for a response, I headed to the gate area and sat down. 'How do I do this? I don't want my own memories of the dead to let me enter as a guest, I need to enter as a banshee.' I remembered that the Necropolis was spilt into two parts, the place where the souls go, and the place where the living can go to see the souls. There was something specific I needed to do so that I could get through as a banshee and go to where the souls lived.

Suddenly, words popped into my head that I was sure I had never heard before in my life, but I trusted what my instincts were telling me and spoke them out, "Fosgail an geata a 'bhàis agus cothrom a thoirt do sheirbhiseach gu dol a steach troimh." (Open the gate of death and allow your servant to enter through.)

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