Chapter 4- Suspicion

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A/N Okay, so this song doesn't fit the mood perfectly, but it gets the point across; Janis would be singing these words over and over as she walked along. I love the haunting melody, but if you don't like it, sorry... I looked for a while to find something that worked okay, so I will be letting you know when to play it.

Before I could say anything else, I found myself trapped in Diane's hand and the two sins were glaring at me menacingly. I sighed and murmured "Mist body" quietly, reforming on the ground a little way from everyone, "Well, I can't say that I didn't expect that, but I personally would like to end this day in one piece, so how about we all sit and talk about this like civilized human beings."

"Why would we listen to anything you have to say? You killed Zaratras and abandoned us, you are the one with the real sin!" Diane exploded I shook my head sadly.

"Diane's right, Janis, how could we be expected to trust you in a situation like this? If we allow you to be free, we don't know when you might stab us in the back." Meliodas agreed with Diane and I sighed and shook my head.

"I wish I could do something that would remove all doubt of my innocence, but I know that that is impossible right now. Perhaps if Gowther were here, or even King, but for right now you would be suspicious of me no matter what." The looks my comrades gave me only confirmed my suspicions.

"Listen, I told the Princess that what happened ten years ago were more than what it seemed, and I meant it. Despite what you all believed, I honestly have never enjoyed my role as an assassin, and I would never have killed Zaratras, who was like a father to me. Just because my sin is deception doesn't mean that I am automatically going to deceive you at every turn."

"I wish we could believe you Janis; knowing that we had you on our side would be a real load off our shoulders, and I could see you being a valuable asset to the mission, but that isn't going to happen. Diane, restrain her and we will decide what to do with her once we get going again." Meliodas addressed us almost sadly, but I shook my head as Diane approached me.

"Really Captain? You saw me get away from her earlier without any issues, and you think that she can take me down now? I mean, she doesn't even have her Gideon with her; she is honestly no match for me." I said with a small, sad smile on my face.

"You seem awfully cocky for someone who is going up against two of the Eight Deadly Sins without a sacred treasure." Diane appeared confident that she would win any confrontation that came, but the truth was exactly the opposite.

"Diane, you seem to have forgotten that my sacred treasure is a mist sword that forms when I need it, Durendal is always here you just weren't observing it. Also, I refuse to fight you, that isn't my purpose, neither is it yours. Please give this up." I did a backflip to avoid her hand as she swiped at me.

"I had hoped that we would at least be able to talk, but I guess I was overly optimistic; sadly, my schedule doesn't include spending time as your captive, I have much better things I could be doing, so I'll just have to see you again when I've found a way to prove my innocence." I turned to leave, but obviously, it wasn't going to be that easy.

Two presences approached me from behind and I sighed and turned around and used my Banshee's screech. Everyone began to collapse as their strength was taken from them, "You honestly seem to be making a habit of underestimating me, I thought you knew me at least a little better than that since we worked together for so long. There is a reason I was the best assassin and spy in the kingdom, I'm no slouch when it comes to magic concealment and decapacitation; the only surprise here is that you thought I would be so easy to take."

With that I turned back around and walked away into the mist; I didn't want to leave, but in order to be able to protect everyone and help them the best I could, I needed to be free. I would stay relatively close to everyone and try to help them where I could, but my main goal would be in gaining King's trust and maybe even finding Gowther, who would be able to tell instantly what was true

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