Chapter 16- The Goddesses

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I just want to say that I am sooooo sorry about the long gap, I really don't have any good excuse, but I swear I'll try harder next time!


"Get back here you pansies!" I shouted at the soldiers who were running away from me, yelling something about a monster who had gotten into Liones. Unlike the others, I had no clear direction when I came here, so I simply provided backup where I could. Meliodas had gone to fight Hendrickson, Ban had disappeared to who knows where, and Gowther had gone to help Diane. I also sensed Merlin's presence here near Meliodas', so I decided to follow Ban, which had been put on hold when I was surrounded by a group of Holy Knights.

I had hoped for a bit more of a fight, but I was only toying with them when they ran away screaming, "What about me is so scary? I swear, I look just like a regular person, then they act like this." I started to feel Ban's power coming from right above me.

"Perhaps it's the, 'I'm going to kill you slowly and painfully' vibe you give off. That's about enough to drive most people away, I should think." Ban called from a nearby rooftop and then jumped down with his hands in his pockets, "Janis, you really should go help the others, I'm not worth following right now." He said then walked away.

"Ban? Where are you going then? I mean, someone should know, just in case." I said quietly, sensing a great deal of disturbance in his mind.

"Nowhere, Janis. Go help the others while I can't."

"Okay, I'm trusting you to safe then, Ban. If I find out that you've gotten yourself hurt, I will hunt you down just to kick your butt." I knew that something was up with him, but I didn't want to intrude until I felt it was necessary, so I ran off to find Gowther.

I found him getting his head cut off by Great Holy Knight Dreyfus, I hid in a side ally to try and see what had happened, apparently, Diane had gotten through somehow, along with King, but she was in really bad shape. I watched as Dreyfus, Helbram, Gilthunder, and Jericho moved to face off against Howser and Gila, who looked like they had already taken a bit of a beating; but they remained firm as they protected Diane. I wanted to jump in now, but I knew that victory would not be certain if I gave up my presence now.

"Gila, I'm going to give it all I've got, you have to do that with me or we'll have no chance of winning!" Howser yelled and then he shot his wind magic at his opponents, while Gila imputed a stream of fire, turning the column into a fire tornado. It was impressive magic, but not enough to defeat the combined power of two of the best knights in the kingdom.

I sensed kings magic approaching and I breathed a sigh of relief, I knew that if he was fighting for Diane's sake, he would be just fine. I watched carefully as Dreyfus had to run off to deal with something and I decided to join him since this wasn't my fight.

He stopped shortly after he had gotten into a more desolate part of the town, "How long have you been there, Janis? You've gotten better at concealing your presence." I sighed and walked out into the open.

"Long enough to know that you're a total idiot."

The look he gave me was definitely meant to be deadly, "What do you mean by that?"

"Well, if you would have had your senses open, you would have realized that you just left your comrades to fail; but if you're asking about just the idiot part then I've known about you being one for years."

"You haven't explained anything."

"Hmm, I suppose I haven't, but should I really tell the man who is undermining the King?" He looked shocked at this, " You must have thought I was an idiot not to pick up on Hendrickson and your actions, you were practically screaming for me to notice and take action."

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