(Koujaku) The Maid and The Japanese Swordsman

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smh what is up with me and this game/anime

and yes this is a drabble


I lay on the couch, watching as my girlfriend continued to clean the living room, while wearing the highly revealing maid outfit that i had gotten for her.

"Koujaku, can i take this off now?" she whined.

"I didn't know that a servant could call her master by his first name. Maybe i should call Clear to teach you proper manners." i hummed while taking in the view of her lovely (s/c) legs and well developed breasts.

"I'm sorry, Master. May i take this off now?"

"No, but when you dust off the lower shelves, could you lift your ass a little higher?"

"Of course, you horny little bitch." i laughed at the insult that (y/n) had given me but stopped when she walked up to me with a menacing glare.

"Did Aoba really get a girlfriend or did you lie to me because i'm really regretting this bet."

"Well you shouldn't have made it and yes he did get a girlfriend."

"Damnit." she cursed before climbing atop my laid down form and running her hands over the area of my chest that was exposed from out my kimono. "And i can't change your mind on letting me go earlier?"

"Maybe but you'll have to pay a hefty price for it" i purred while moving her hips against mine.

"How many hours and what kink?"

"Give me four and i want you to call me daddy."

"Will you go easy on me?"

"Not a chance darling, i assure you that i'll go hard until the end. Are you really up to the challenge?"

"Anything to get out of this blasted outfit."

"Oh don't worry, you'll be out of it soon enough." i shot up and brought the beautiful woman in for a slow yet hard kiss. She returned it and before i knew it, the kiss had become a hungry desperate fight for dominance. Finally, she pulled away.

"Make me feel good, daddy." i leaned forward until i reached her ear.

"Of course, princess." i then picked her up and walked to the bedroom. Just as i set her down she wrapped her arms around my neck and brushed her lips against my own.

" i love you koujaku."

"I love you more."

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