♠Tatara♠ Drunk

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I tried with title..... But we see how that went😂😂😂

"Tatara! Tatara! You came!" (Y/n)'s drunken voice just barely pierced through the loud music of the club but the ghoul still managed to hear. His cold red eyes darted to her tipsy figure and not long after, he mentally facepalmed.

"Who let you drink?"

"Ay-at-to." Between each syllable,  the lovely (h/c)-ette stumbled forward forcing Tatara to catch her in his strong arms.

"We're leaving."

"No, not 'til you meet my new friend." Yet another sigh left his lips. The only reason he came was to make sure that Ayato didn't do something stupid but now he was stuck dealing with a delusional (y/n) and her skimpily dressed body. Even though he was practically emotionless, the way her thigh peaked from underneath her red dress was more than enough to make walking just a bit uncomfortable, only adding more to his list of issues.

"If you aren't back in three minutes, I'm leaving." The silverette muttered deeply against her ear, letting her go to totter back into the sweaty crowd

Somehow in that time frame, she returned from with a handsome white-haired man that resembled the ghoul a little too closely. Really the only differences he could catch was the outfit and blue eyes.

"His name's-" (y/n) barely started her sentence before her "friend" collapsed at her side, dead. Tears ran down her soft (s/c) cheeks and she childishly held her arms out to be picked up. 

Tatara narrowed his red eyes menacingly but picked her up nonetheless, allowing the woman to wrap her legs around his waist.

"You're more trouble than you're worth." He muttered while she cried on his shoulder. While Drunk (Y/n) was more than upset at the situation the side of her that was still sober was beyond distraught. After all,  here she was intoxicated and miserable while the very guy she fell for was calling her troublesome. 

"Why are you so mean? I just wanted a friend." She whimpered relaxing her head against his broad shoulder.

"You have all of Aogiri as your friend.  What more could you want?"

"No, I mean a friend, friend. One that you can kiss and do stuff with." Tatara faltered, allowing his gaze go towards the woman in his arms.

"It's disgusting for a ghoul to have romantic relations with a human. You should know that."

"But I don't want to date humans. I wanna date you. But you're so mean that you don't see it. A-And all the other guys in Aogiri are just horny and they only like my body." By now they'd reached the base and (y/n) was lying on a random bed, desperately holding onto the end of her friend's cloak.

"Did you try to replace me with that human?" She nodded against the bed before turning around and wailing into the fluffy pillows still holding Tatara hostage.

"But I like Tatara, and no one is like him. Jerk."


Between the two, neither could tell the other when they fell asleep but what they did know was that the way they woke up could go, wrong in so many ways. Their legs we're intimately entwined while the (h/c) haired woman lay atop her male companion, her head buried in his shoulder

A groan escaped (y/n)'s lips as her eyes met the passionate red orbs that stared up at her. She had a massive headache and barely processed the situation but when she tried to move her leg everything became clear.

"Oh shit!" The two winced from her outburst and Tatara glared at her silently. "Sorry."

"It's fine."

"So you're not going to move?"

"I'm comfortable, don't ruin it." He replied closing his eyes in what can only be described as content. From under his mask, (y/n) could clearly see the cat-like eye smile that adorned his usually stoic face. Clearly, he was happy but she couldn't tell why so she assumed and asked for clarification on her theories.

"Are you on crack?"

"No, (y/n)."

"Did Eto return your feelings?" At this, the white-haired man opened his Ruby-hued eyes with a raised brow.

"What would give you that notion?"

"You two seem close. So I just thought that- you're right it was a stupid idea."

"Why is it stupid?"

"Because you don't have a romantic interest." Yet again another glare was sent to the conflicted woman and she shyly adverted her gaze.

"I don't care what goes through your head but don't make assumptions on my love life.  It'd be bad if you came up with something completely irrational and got yourself killed on my behalf." At that, she returned his glare and began to speak.

"I hate you so-" Tatara quickly placed his cloak clad arm over (y/n)'s eyes as he quickly took off his mask to place his lips on her own. A soft grunt could be heard from her throat but it was promptly swallowed by the heated kiss.

Wanting more she tilted her head lewdly moaning in hopes of him carrying out her wishes but instead her the male ghoul pulled away and returned his mask, only removing his arm when it was properly placed.

"Don't go looking for replacements anymore. You have me and that's more than enough to satisfy whatever it is you need."

"R-right." A small hum rumbled in his chest from underneath his new lover making her blush while his eyes turned upwards into that amazingly cute eye smile of his.


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