(Kei Tsukishima) how they got together

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i don't know how i feel about this guy. but this was fun to write.


The sun shone brightly through the emerald colored leaves of the trees surrounding the Karasuno high school campus, while bees gracefully extracted nectar from the recently bloomed flowers and a hyperactive (y/n) repetitively poked a very annoyed Tsukishima. This had been going on for days now and Tsukki still couldn't catch the gist of why the happy girl refused to leave his side.

"Tsukki, talk.to.me." The blonde allowed himself to release an annoyed sigh and sat down underneath a shady tree.

"Why won't you leave me alone?" He growled with a glare.

"Because I want to see you smile." Was her glum reply. The two of them quietly sat together until the final bell rang and it was time to go. (y/n) quickly picked up her bags and ran to the pickup area expecting to see her mother's car but instead she saw the car of her closest friend.

"When did you decide to be nice and pick me up Aki?" Akiteru only chuckle and drove her home where the (h/c)-ette's mother was surly waiting for her daughter to come home. The drive home was silent. Despite the many times Aki tried to start conversation, (y/n) just wasn't in the mood to talk, she was too busy thinking about what Tsuki said to her. 'Why won't you leave me alone?' When they finally arrived, she gave her escort a friendly kiss on the cheek and went to leave but stopped when she felt a hand rest on her shoulder.

"Are you okay, you're quieter than usual." The lovely girl shook her head and explained the situation, making sure to be careful of what she said and how she said it. After all Tsukki was his younger brother.

"So since the beginning of this year you've had a crush on my brother and now is when you finally give up?" The way Akiteru said it, made the whole thing sound ludicrous and nearly impossible but in his eyes one could see that he kind of felt bad for (y/n), knowing that she probably went through hell to even walk next to him, never mind talk to him.

"Yeah, stupid right? I should've have given up from the first time he told me to leave him alone."

"No, I'm almost certain that he likes you too, but he definitely isn't going to confess own. You have to do something that'll force him to say it." The two continued to talk for a bit until they came up with a plan on how to get the always stoic blonde to notice her.

That was yesterday. Now it was tuesday and (y/n) was standing outside the gymnasium where she could hear the boys inside practising. 'Will he like this?' She wondered, staring down at her outfit which consisted of a white crop top, navy blue skirt and simple white flats. She of course didn't wear any makeup since she wasn't a fan of it but despite that she still looked gorgeous. Just as she raised her hand to knock on the door the room inside went quiet and the door slammed open to reveal a boy with bright orange hair.

His bright brown eyes quickly scanned over her figure and soon he was a blushing mess.

"Hey." Greeted (y/n), with a smile that unbeknownst to her, could melt any guy's heart.

"Wow, who's this pretty lady, Hinata? Your girlfriend." Questioned another guy but this one was practically bald.

"W-what no! I don't even know her!" A small blush crossed the young girl's cheeks at both the compliment and the handsome noir who was stood behind everyone, silently checking her out.

"Guys back up, I can handle this." said a small voice which soon revealed itself to be a medium sized guy with short brown hair.

"Hello miss, do you need something?"

"Yeah she needs to leave." Already knowing who it was, (y/n) solemnly hid her face behind her lovely (h/c) hair.

"Tsukishima, you know her?"

"Yeah, she's an annoying brat who doesn't know what the words go away mean." answered Tssuki, who was now standing at the door as well.

"I think i'll go now." The young girl went to turn around but was stopped a man who seemed to be the coach.

"Are you coming in or not, we don't have all day." The coach gave her a bright smile that contradicted comment and pulled her inside the gym.

"Thank you but I only know him and I don't think there's a point in stating somewhere where I'm not wanted by the one person I came to see."

"It's fine." and with those words the coach went back to coaching.

(y/n) watched fondly as the team practised their skills and before she knew it, practise was over and everyone was crowding around her.

"So what's your name?" Questioned Hinata who seemed to be extremely happy for no reason whatsoever.

"My name's (y/n)." Even though she was nervous the (h/c) haired girl couldn't help but feel flattered by all of the attention she was getting but there seemed to be one person who didn't enjoy it. Kei stood in the back of the group with his arms crossed and a scowl on his lips. Despite her being so annoying, the gold eyed boy had grown feelings for the attention hogging girl before him, the only problem was that he didn't want to tell her.

"Tssuki, are you okay?"

"Shut up Yamaguchi." Things continued on like that, until Ryu placed a hand on (y/n)'s shoulder and asked her what she was doing later on that night.

"(y/n)." Growled Kei lowly. Startled by his tone the (h/c)-ette tore her gaze away from Ryu and looked to him.

"Tssuki, are you okay?"

"Come on, it's time to go."

"Eh?! You know her?!" The team seemed to be genuinely surprised except from Suga, Daichi, and Takeda who all had a knowing smirk plastered to their lips. 'He's jealous.'

"Yes and she's mine so don't touch her."

"Eh?! How can you say that so calmly?" This time it was asahi who was surprised.

"Because she is. (y/n), let's go." without waiting for her reply, Tsukishima was out the door and the young girl was chasing after him.

"They're dating?" questioned Tanaka who now wore a pout on his face.

"No but by tomorrow they should be." Answered Yamaguchi with a small smile on his face.

(back to (y/n)

"Hey Tssuki, wait up!"

"No." (y/n) gave out a loud huff before sprinting up behind her companion and pouncing on his back.

"What the hell is wrong with you, one moment you want me to come with you and next thing I know you don't want me anymore!"

"I never said I didn't want you." Mumbled the blonde as he slid his arms underneath her legs for support.

"Whatever, I just wanted to come and see you but apparently you don't want me to. This whole entire plan was nothing but a bust." Ashamed the young girl let out a sigh and buried her head in Kei's neck. He lightly blushed and slightly tightened his grip on her thighs.

"What plan."

"I was supposed to meet you at practise and at the end i'd tell you I like you but...things went south and I ended up pissing you off instead."

"Do you ever listen to what I say?" said Tsukishima who had now let (y/n) stand.

"No because usually you're telling me to go away." A deep chuckle rang throughout his chest and (y/n)'s cheeks darkened.

"It's not funny."

"Yes. it is." He hummed as he ghosted his lips over her's. Wanting more the (h/c)-ette leaned forward but he pulled away.

"It's late, and we need to hurry up and get home."

"Whah?! But what about my kiss"

"Stop being so loud, you'll get it some other time."

"O-oh." and that is how (y/n) and Tsukishima got together.

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