♠Kenma♠ Daddy's Girl

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(Y/n) has yellow eyes like Kenma to show that they're related. Also in this one, (y/n) is Kenma's daughter.

Kenma and (y/n) huddled close to each other as they eagerly pressed the buttons on their game controllers. It was an intense battle between the two and the little (h/c)-ette giggled deviously when she began to come up behind him.

"Papa?" He hummed in response. Not once taking his eyes off the racing cars on their screen. "You're the best dad in the world." Even though the words made his heart go a flutter, the blonde man didn't let the words faze him and won the game. 

When he finally looked over to his daughter, kenma was met with the straight-faced 5-year-old. It was almost like looking into a mirror. Much like himself, (y/n)'s facial expression rarely changed but her pretty yellow eyes were so expressive that she didn't have to.

In a way, it kinda freaked people out because her tone changed with her mood as well. So if she was angry at someone, she'd sound mad and her eyes would show that she's mad, but her face was always indifferent.

"Are you upset?" Kenma titled his head as he asked.

"Uh huh."


"It took a lot of work to come up with that but you didn't even look at me, meanie."

"So I'm not the best dad in the world?"

"Of course you are!" His lips twitched upwards in a tiny smile and (y/n) did the same. Just when he was about to hug her, the front door of their house unlocked and in came Kuroo with a bag of groceries.

"I'm back." Kenma and the little girl barely looked at him, as they were already back to playing their game. This time (y/n) sat in his lap. The noir who'd just come back sighed and sat on the couch next to them. "(Y/n), look it's your favorite person." She looked over at him then slightly wrinkled her nose.

"You're not papa."

"What about your favorite uncle?"

"Uncle Hinata?!" Both Kenma and his daughter tore their gaze from the TV in search of the excitable ginger however they were left disappointed. Kuroo frowned slightly and watched then return to the game. A few more minutes of this silence passed before the black haired man came up with a wonderful idea.

"How about we go to the mall?"

"Papa's games are funner."

"It doesn't have to be regular shopping. We can go for games if you want." At this, (y/n) leaped from her seat and ran into her room to get dressed. Her 'uncle' smiled victoriously.  Kenma glanced at him.

"If you're trying to become her favorite person, it's not going to work. She's already got her list of favorites set."

"Even if I dont become her favorite person, I need to become her favorite uncle before Bokuto does." The blonde haired man sighed and saved his progress.

"I'll get ready."


(Y/n) and Kenma stared at the Game Stop sign with glittering gold eyes while Kuroo chuckled fondly.

"You can't get anything if you're just going to stand-" He could barely finish his sentence before the two gamers dashed through the doors and began to look around. As unexcited as they tried to seem, both father and daughter held tiny smiles on their face while they tried to figure out what they wanted.

The noir watched for a while then took a look for himself. Suddenly he saw a cute game named Pinky and The Evil Wizard. 'Girl's like this stuff right?'

Deciding to test his theory, Kuroo walked over to the little girl who was fawning over a game with her father and tapped her shoulder. He showed her the sweet case that held a picture of a pretty pink pony in a land of sweets and candy only to get the coldest deadpan in world history. Kenma also took a look then wrinkled his nose a bit, just like (y/n) had done earlier.

"I am not playing that."

"She is not playing that."  They mumbled in unison before going back to what they were doing. 'That's definitely his kid.'

About an hour later, the little group went to the cash register with a total of 12 games. Little (y/n) clung to her father's shirt while he paid for his half and Kuroo for her's. Once everything was settled, Kuroo kneeled down so that he was level with the little girl.

"Am I your favorite now?"

"Nah. Papa will always be the best." Kenma's lips twitched and he pulled his child closer.

"What about your favorite uncle?"

"Well, you're my third." The noir grinned a bit.

"Then who's the second favorite?"

"Uncle Bokuto." The sense of victory that Kuroo had, vanished and a tear nearly fell down his cheek as Kenma lifted (y/n) onto his shoulders.

"I told you she had her list figured out. The only person I've ever seen change her mind is Hinata." With that, the two of them walked off while Kuroo trudged after them.

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