♠Hisoka Morow♠ A Woman's Fury Pt. 2

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When (y/n) opened their penthouse door, Hisoka walked in first, sitting on the couch while she locked the door behind her.

"So are you going to explain yourself?" The woman crossed her arms while his bright gold eyes narrowed menacingly.

"What exactly do you want me to explain?"

"Everything, so you'd best start from the beginning."

"I don't see why I should explain anything."

"You left me, Hisoka."

"I told you I'd come back." Scoffed the joker, he wasn't even bothering to hide his displeasure now.

"Well, it looks like you changed your mind because I don't think you would have openly flirted with Machi otherwise."

"She puts up quite the fight." (Y/n) gave out a yell of frustration at his words and went to their bedroom.

"Fuck you. I'm leaving." She began to throw her clothes on the bed and brought out a suitcase.

"You can't say you weren't curious about other men as well."

"Was I attracted to a few, yes? Did I make a move or allow any of their advances to escalate, no. And you know why?" One of Hisoka's thin brows raised. "Because I knew that I had a crazy joker out there and he was going to come back for me someday. Or at least I thought he was."

The room went silent as she began folding her clothes to put them in her suitcase. It was a good thing she didn't have much or else things might be a lot harder to get through.

"Where will you go?" (Y/n) glared at him before softening her gaze to think about it only to find that she had nowhere to go. Since she was a hunter, it was possible she might do a few jobs to get some money but that would take a while. "You don't know." Mused the joker.

"What are you trying to say? I'm nothing without you or something?"

"You hold me to such low regards, I'm hurt." He gave a sad expression however his eyes glittered with the same mischievous glint as always.

"Whatever. I need to finish packing." Again the room went silent and again the silence was broken by the joker at the door.

"Pet, how often did you think of me?"

"Often enough, and I'm not your pet."

"Often enough? That's not too specific." He came a little closer to her. "Tell me.

"At least six days of the week."


"Yeah...I missed sparing with you and cuddling afterwards, and I missed how you'd listen to me mock normal people sometimes. And I missed how anytime we had a disagreement you'd use that devilish charm of yours to calm me down." Even though he was listening to her, he was more focused on what she was packing. Even though he wasn't the type to shower his lover with gifts, every once in awhile he'd bring back a little something for her and each time her eyes would light up like nothing he'd seen before.

Considering everything that was happening, he thought she'd leave them out of anger; she had the right. But, she didn't. It left him shocked and caused him to feel a bit tingly inside. "And whenever-"

"I'm sorry." His sudden interruption was enough to shut her up. "Honestly I am. If Machi had accepted my advances I would have stopped. I was simply playing her, Pet. They were never meant to be taken seriously." (Y/n) looked shocked.

She'd never once imagined him verbally apologizing to her. Sure that may not seem right but he was "a show don't tell" person so the fact that he felt bad enough to say sorry to her.

"I see." She said after a while. "Um, you're not forgiven yet but I guess we could try again." She was trying to sound serious but the small squeaks and tears in her voice gave her away. Hisoka gently embraced her while she broke down in tears, sobbing into his chest. "Please don't hurt me again. I don't want to leave you."

He placed atop hers and was left surprised by the loving words that slipped from his lips like they were coated in butter.

"I won't, pet. I'd have to die before being so foolish again.

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