≈Sesshomaru≈ Family

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The autumn leaves fell from the trees as the golden sun cast its orange glow on Sesshomaru's pale skin. It had been so long since he'd been home and after everything he'd been through he couldn't help but be excited. 'And I finally get to see her.'

The thought made him quicken his pace. Just like it'd been a while since he'd come home, it'd been just as long since he'd seen (y/n), his mate. He'd dreamt about her countless times and had thought about her and their children twice as much. The small smile that had adorned his lips for the last minute grew at the whiff of her familiar scent.

He readied himself for her attack and he was right to do so since he was tackled by her not moments later. He easily caught her and set her down to pull her into a loving hug.

Her sweet scent wafted up his nose as he leaned down to bury his head in the crook of her neck. Even though she was in his arms Sesshoumaru could barely believe it was her...that is until she spoke.

"I missed you, my love." Her honey-sweet voice was a blessing to his ear. "Did you miss me?"

"More than anything else." The two of them sunk to the ground allowing the demon to cuddle against her chest. From the way, he seemed to purr at her every stroke of his hair caused (y/n) to smile. But she couldn't help but laugh when he groaned at her stopping. "I've only just come back yet you're already plaguing me with your teases."

"It's been 30 minutes, my hand is tired." He stiffly sat up, his drowsy gold eyes locking on her.

"So? You have two for a reason." She laughed.

"You're always so impartial, huh?" She moved closer so she could press her head against his. The close proximity caused his stiff composure to falter and he looked down at the medley of red and orange leaves littering the ground beneath them.

The silence of the sweet atmosphere that blanketed was warm. There was nothing wrong in this moment and if they'd had the choice each of them would have stayed there. However, that was not the case and (y/n) had to address the fact that their kids were running full speed the path towards them.

"As much as I love them, I think I'd prefer longer with you." His nose rubbed against hers.

"Yes, well they don't intend on that being the case."

"So it's their little feet that I hear."

"Mhm." She kissed his lips once then got up." "And I think you'd better be ready because they've definitely grown since you left."

Just like (y/n)'d implied, their two boys came running around the corner not seconds later and happily pounced on their father.

"You two are just as bad as your mother." He grumbled irritably, however, the shimmer in his eyes held no such emotion.

"We've gotten stronger too!" Said Kaito getting up to pose like a bodybuilder. He was about five feet now and had his father's hair and eyes but his mother's soft lips and (s/c) skin. His brother takéi was the complete opposite in both personality and looks. He was stoic and emotionless like his father yet he had (y/n)'s (h/c) hair and kind eyes.

"Mother has been training us." Said takéi hugging his father's waist. "Will you spar with us and see?" Sesshoumaru stood, placing his hands atop both of their heads.

"Tomorrow, you can tell and show everything you must however I would like to spend the rest of the day with your mother." He said, walking them towards their traditional styled home. Despite the humble look of the brown and white outer appearance, the size was massive inside and out.

When they went inside the maids welcomed Sesshoumaru and the boys went off to play.

"So you said you wanted to talk to me, hmm?" She went to look back at her mate however he reached his arm around her waist and kissed the bit of shoulder that peaked beneath her oriental kimono.

"I demand cuddles and kisses." He hummed dragging her to their room while she struggled not to laugh.

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