≈Aizawa Shouta≈ Too sweet

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I REFUSE to explain this in the story since I don't know how to fit it in so lemme explain up here. Your quirk is called replicate. You can replicate anyone's quirk and keep that quirk for as long as you please. The person keeps their quirk as well though

"Aizawa~" whispered (y/n) as she straddled the waist of her boyfriend.

"Its too early, get off."

"But I'm hungry." (E/c) met dark brown as the two glared intensely at each other. Without the slightest bit of mercy, Aizawa pushed his lover from off him and turned to face the opposite position of where she was.

However the feeling of her bare legs wrapping around him, forced the noir haired man to look at the woman at his side, the sound of her empty stomach echoing between their bodies.

"I'm really hungry, could you feed me?"

"Do it yourself." At this (y/n) sighed and once again climbed atop him. Using her quirk she copied Aizawa's own and deactivated his power. Said man, gave her a glare and sat up so that she was straddling him again.

"Give it back." He growled deeply but she shook her head in refusal and playfully nipped his ear, refusing to take her eyes off him.

"I let you have your way with me the other night so now you owe me."

"No I don't."

"Get me food and I'll wear the neko outfit you got me."

"..........Fine" and so he made her food.

The end.

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