Chapter 11

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Kate's p.o.v.
      I let Ozzy out and put her tack away. As I was walking out of the barn, I ran into Hunter.
      "Hey, I am staying for dinner." He said as he caught my arm. "And, Kate, I'm here if you need me." He let go of my arm and kept walking into the tack room.
     For some reason, my arm felt cold where his hand was. I shivered and walked out. I saw a ram truck with a horse trailer sitting outside the barn.
    I sighed and headed inside. Right away I heard voices. It sounded like a female was laughing.
     I poked my head around the corner into the living room and was taken aback at what at what I saw. My dad was sitting in his chair, talking and laughing  with a woman, no doubt the owner of the truck and also my customer. She was laughing her head off.
    I noticed she was dressed in English riding clothes.

   "Kate! This here's Shelly. I'm stalling her for you." Dad had a sparkle on his eye that i hadn't seen there since before...never mind.

      Shelly stood up and held her hand out. "It's nice to meet you Kate. Your father has told me all about you."

     I shook her hand. "You had a horse you needed me to look at right?"

     "Yes. My nephew is staying with me for a while. He's a bit of a problem child and I think horses might help get that out of him. I want him to start jumping. I bought this beautiful jumper, and I want your opinion. Maybe you could give him lessons while you're at it? I'll pay whatever you ask." She looked like she was pleading for me to help her nephew.

    "Well, I'll do what I can. No promises. I'm better with horses than humans. Shall we go check him out?" I grinned at her.

    "Yes, let's. It was nice meeting you, Bill." She smiled at my dad, and he blushed. What in the world was going on?

     We walked out the front door and toward the big trailer in the driveway. Shelly opened the door and led the horse out. He was a gorgeous bay dutch warmblood.

    "Pretty isn't he? His name's Admiral." She patted his neck affectionately.

   "He really is. So, do you want me doing some in the saddle work than?"

  "I want you to see if he is sound for an 18 year old that has little riding experience. Admiral is only six so i would like to see them grow together."

    "I know exactly what to do. Will you lead him into the barn? I'll have our stable hand set up some jumps." I started walking off to find Hunter.

     I found him with a pitchfork, emptying a wheel barrow into the manure pile. He saw me and his head shot up. he ducked his head down and held out the pitchfork. "Please don't put me in a sleeper this time. Just take it."

   "What? Oh. Yeah. Sorry about that. I was actually wondering if you could set up a simple jump pattern for me? Thanks." I started walking away only to look back and see the completely clueless look on his face. I turned around and walked back to him. "do you know anything about jumping?"

   "Do I look like I know anything about jumping? I'm a cowboy for pete's sake."

    I rolled my eyes at him. "google it."

   I walked away again, but I heard him mumble something under his breath. I was tempted to turn around and demand to know what he said, but than I remembered the customer in the barn and kept walking.

    We got Admiral saddled up and brought him out to the arena. To my surprise, Hunter had set up the jumps in a pattern that was on the harder side of simple. I saw him standing on the far end of the arena with his hands on his hips surveying his handiwork. He looked up and caught my eye. He waved at me and gestured to the jumps. "I figured it out!" He yelled at me. He was so cute when he was this excited.

    -You know he's cute.

   -No he isn't. I don't even know where that came from.

-Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

I mentally slapped myself.

    "Alright. I'm ready." I mounted Admiral and started walking around the arena, moving up to a trot after a few laps, warming him up.

    When I felt he was warmed up enough, I turned him towards the first jump and let him go. He knew exactly what to do. I felt him collect himself before the first jump and then I felt him soar over it. At the second jump, I closed my eyes and felt him collect himself and I knew he had cleared it by inches. At the third jump, I hooked the reins on the saddle and held out my arms and closed my eyes. He sailed over and landed perfectly on the other side. I slowed down and trotted over to Shelly.

    "He's perfect. He knows exactly what he's doing. I think he'll be perfect for your nephew." I dismounted and grabbed the reins from over his head.

    "I don't think it was just the horse. Please tell me you'll consider giving him lessons. I think he could be good with the instructors I have now, but he could be great with you. Please?" She was begging again.

    "Sure. I'll see what I can do." I smiled at her.

     "Oh thank you so much. I will warn you, my nephew probably won't be to keen on this at first. Do you mind un-saddling? I have to go talk to your father for a minute." She took off before I had a chance to answer.

      "You did so good Admiral. You're amazing." I rubbed him on the neck as I led him into the barn to untack. I undid the buckles and was about to lift the saddle off, when it disappeared. I saw Hunter's dirty blonde head on the other side of Admiral.  "I got this for ya'." He said as he took it into the tack room.

     "Thanks. Hey, can I ask you something?"


     "Why do you keep helping me with stuff? And don't you dare lie to me."

     He was hanging Admiral's bridal up on the hook when he turned to look at me. "Because. Even if you don't know it yet, you need the help. You don't have many friends. You're a bit of a loner. You're hiding something, and I want to help, but I can't unless you let me in. You've gotta decide to trust me though." His expression was soft, but his voice was firm. He gave me a small smile and walked out of the barn. I stood there completely dumbstruck.

Country Girls Do It Better... Book 1 Of The Healing Through Horses TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now