Chapter 23

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       A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my friend who just completely saved my butt. I accidentally deleted all 1500 words, and she restored it for me because she is so much more techy... She saved my life!!!!!! haha

        I woke up the next morning, taking a glance at the alarm clock sitting on the table next to my bed. 

        9:57 am.

       That's odd. I never woke up this late.
        I groaned and got up, trudging out to the kitchen. It was empty.

        I looked out the kitchen window, and, again, didn't see anyone.

        I yawned and made my way over to the fridge, pulling out some fruit. I was exhausted. Yesterday had completely wiped me out. The dance didn't actually end until about 10:00, therefore I didn't get home till around 11:30. 

        And then I couldn't sleep after that because my mind was spinning in so many different ways. My feelings for Hunter were all completely jumbled up inside me and I couldn't make sense of them. 

       I carried a few cartons of fruit over to the counter and began slicing them, still yawning. 

      All of a sudden, the front door flew open and hit the wall in the entry way. I jumped a good four inches into the air and dropped the knife. 

     I whirled around and looked at the door, scowling.

    Hunter was standing in the opening, a smirk evident on his face. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya." 

      "Yeah, sure you didn't. What do you want?"

       "The fence's been cut again, and your dad wants us to go up and herd the cattle back down." 

      It was way to early in the morning for my brain to process his words. "What, now?" 

      He sighed and dropped his head. "The. Cows. Got. Out. We. Need. To. Get. Them. Back. Comprende?"

      "The cows got out?"

     "The fence was cut again."

      Finally, it dawned on me. "Wait, the fence was cut again? And we need to ride up into the high country to get them back?"

      "Way to go! You're so smart." He said to me, as if I was a 5 year old. "I'll go tack up the horses." He turned and started out the door, but turned back around. "Cute pajamas." 

      He winked and jogged off to the barn.

         Within an hour Hunter and I were packed up.

      We had bed rolls on the backs of our horses just in case, and packages of food in the saddle bags. 

        "Be careful. You know there are freak snow storms up there, and it's November." My dad looked earnestly into my eyes. 

        "Are you worried about us?" I asked, jokingly. I knew he was but I was doing my best to make light of the situation. This was the second time the cows had gotten out in the span of a week. There was something extremely suspicious about it. Both times we checked the fence, it had been cut. 

       "Yes, I'm worried. It can be dangerous up there." Dad wasn't joking. I cast a glance at Hunter. He was fiddling with his reins and looking down at the saddle horn, his expression showed he was deep in thought.

         "Alright, well, we'll be careful, Dad. I promise." I leaned down and gave him a hug. It was almost as if he didn't want to let go. Finally, he released me. 

Country Girls Do It Better... Book 1 Of The Healing Through Horses TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now