Chapter 2: Late for Training

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Jaune's Point of View

I hear Ruby's crying fade away. I look down at her and she's asleep.

"Heh, and you told me you couldn't fall asleep," I chuckle quietly.

I grab her legs and lift them up. I carry her like a baby. Surprisingly, she's VERY light.  Eithier she's light or i'm strong.

I notice her innocent expression on her face while she's asleep and i giggle. I'm happy to have a friend who's adorable, sweet, and understands my pain. She's cute at sometimes.

I enter the girl's room, hoping none of them awake. I lay Ruby on her bed and tuck her under the covers. As soon as i tuck her under, she begins snoring faintly. I smile.

I exit the room and enter my team's room. I lay down in my bed and relax. I eventually get sleepy and pass out.

~Next morning~

I awake and sit up. Grabbing my phone, i look at the time and notice it's 7:30 AM.

"Crap! I'm gonna be late!" I yell.

I quickly run over to my armor laying on the ground and slip it on, ignoring the fact that i have a black hoodie with a bunny printed on it.

I grab my jeans and take off my pajama pants. I slip on the jeans and grab the belt hanging up by my bed. I tighten my belt and grab my shoes and sword.

"Ill just put on my shoes on the way there," I whisper to myself, running out of my room and slamming the door behind me.

On my way to class, I see Weiss ahead.

"Hey! Weiss!" I yell, trying to get her attention.

She turns around.

"Uh, hey?" She replies.

"Hey, have you seen Ruby?" I ask.

"Umm first, why are your shoes not on?" She asks.

"Oh, im running late for class! My training is held at 7:45 this morning!" I answer.

"Ohh okay. Um Ruby is in Medical class right now, but her next period should be with you if you're wondering," She says.

"Sweet! Thanks!" I yell, running off while putting on my black heavy boots.

"You're welcome?" She replies.

(DISCONTINUED) 《Roses are Red》 Jaune Arc X Ruby Rose ~ Lancaster || RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now