(SPECIAL) Chapter 25: Pyrrha's Embrace

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(Jaune's POV)

I was laying in a bed in the ship's barracks, pondering. It has been at least an hour now. Nora said we'd be there soon.

I can hear the wind brush the outside of the ship's wall. I drape my arms over my eyes, leaving me in a blank view of nothing but black. I feel a lump in my throat develop.

I start thinking things that could possibly happen.. that I hope doesn't happen.. I clench my fists in fear. I turn to my side and I could feel tears start to swell in my eyes.

"I'm sorry Ruby.. this was a bad idea.." I quietly whisper to myself as I sniff and wipe my eyes. I let out a large sigh and blink my eyes.

"I'm so sorry.." I mumble.

(Ruby's POV)


I yet again hear the door creak open. I felt my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach. What is he going to do to me?

"Hello again, princess," He smiles.

"I..I.." I stutter, not knowing what to say. I was terrified. I know he came for answers, but I didn't have any.. Everything I say is and was true, but he won't believe me.

"Scared? Aw, don't be. If you tell me how you got your power, then we'll avoid any harsh punishments. It's simple really, you just have to pick your choice."

I feel my eyes sting as my vision gets glassy.

He sits in the chair in front of me and leans in closer to my face.

"My.. you do have some pretty eyes," He compliments as he holds my chin, "It'd be a shame if you were to lose them,"

I gasp and tears begin to stream down my face. Why? Why did I choose to do this..?!

"Please, I'm telling the truth! I have no idea how I have this.. power.." I quickly respond. He sits back down in his chair and smirks, crossing his arms and legs.

"You've picked, but you've picked wrongfully.." He grins.

My eyes widen and I begin screaming, "No! Please! I'm telling you the truth!"

"Sure. I believe you." He sarcastically groans.


"Look, It's really simple. Just tell me how.."

"I don't know.."

"Tell me. Now."

"I don't know.."

"Just. Tell. Me."

"I SAID I DON'T KNOW!" I shriek. My vision then fades into a white empty space.

"Oh, what a shame.." was the last words I heard from him before I fainted into a deep slumber.

(Jaune's POV)

I open my eyes, realizing I must've fell asleep. Suddenly, I hear Nora's footsteps stomp across the ship's metal floorboard.

(DISCONTINUED) 《Roses are Red》 Jaune Arc X Ruby Rose ~ Lancaster || RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now