(SPECIAL) Chapter 30: You

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QUICK A/N : Thank you so much for over 5k reads! I really appreciate you all for reading my story! I feel so grateful to have you all take time out of your day to read this book. I'm so thankful and happy! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Heads up, It gets really cute really fast and it's special because it's long. Have a spectacular day/night! <3

(Ruby's POV)

I awake underneath my warm, cozy covers. I turn my head and look toward the window, noticing it was dark outside. I look over at Yang and Blake, who are both asleep. I plop back down into my pillow, exhausted, yet energetic.

I'm at least glad that I'm not having those scary nightmares anymore.. Still, why can't I just sleep through the whole night like I used to? I'm so tired, but my mind is keeping me up. I hope Jaune's doing okay. He's probably sound asleep while I'm just laying here awake. Maybe If I get some fresh air on the balcony, I'll feel better. It's not like me to be awake at a time like this.

I sit up slowly and tip toe over to the door of our room. I quickly grab my red cardigan and exit the room quietly, closing the door behind me gently. As I slip on my sweater, I make my way quickly down the hall and to the balcony. As I turn the corner, I bump into someone.

"I'm so sorry!" I quickly say before looking up to see who it is. I squeeze my eyes shut and look down.

"It's fine. Don't worry, it's me," A familiar voice calmly says. I look up.

"Oh, Jaune. It's just you. I thought I was going to get yelled at by some teacher," I nervously chuckle, smiling. He grins.

"Why are you awake? Did something happen? Oh, are you still having those-"

"No. I'm not, thankfully. I just..I just can't go back to sleep. I don't know what's wrong with my brain, but It keeps waking me up at the same time every night and I can't ever go back to sleep. I just thought maybe I should go get some fresh air and maybe that'll help me," I explain. He rubs the back of his neck.

"I'm having the same problem as well. In fact, I'm just now heading back to the room, but I can always make another trip. Want me to come with you to the balcony?"

"No, I'll be fine by myself! I want you to get some sleep!" I smile kindly. He stares at me. "What?" I question, "why are you staring at me like that?"

"I'm not going to leave you alone out there in the dark."

"I'm perfectly capable of protecting myself from monsters!" I confidently state.

"Pshh. Yeah, right!"

"Uh-! Just you watch!" I reply, walking past Jaune and towards the balcony. As I approach the balcony, I feel my heart race faster and faster. My palms begin to sweat and I pause in place. I gulp.

"Fine, fine! You win!" I quickly say, turning around and sprinting towards Jaune in fear, but I don't see him. "Jaune..?" I question. I look around, but can't find him. I suddenly hear a growling noise coming from behind me as I freeze. "Jaune..?" I quietly mumble to myself, almost crying. I shake intensely as I slowly turn around, squeezing my eyes shut.

"BOO!" It shouts.

"JAUNE!" I scream, hoping he would hear me. Out of no where, I hear laughter. I open my eyes and see Jaune laughing his head off right in front of me.

"Hahaha! Ruby, I'm right here. You're fine!" He giggles, patting my head. I pout.

"You suck."

"You suck even more. Now c'mon, let's go to the balcony."

I growl, looking up at him with anger. "Fine, but don't come crying to me when you're scared."

He laughs as we make our way to the balcony. I follow him. While approaching the ledge, I look up at the sky out of amazement.

"Woah..they're so pretty," I mumble. I see one twinkle and I'm instantly reminded of Pyrrha. I feel my lips curl upwards and my heart beat warmly.

"So, how are you feeling?" Jaune asks. I turn around and walk over to him. I stand next to him.

"I'm feeling better, still a bit sore though."

"I'm sorry, but hey, you're alive. That's all that matters.." I smile and look down at the concrete ledge. "Something wrong?"

"I'm just worried.. that's all."

"Of what?"

I look up and turn toward Jaune.

"The future. I'm worried that someone is going to die.. o-or that someone will get hurt or-"

"Ruby." Jaune places his hands on my shoulders. He suddenly brings me into his embrace, warming me up from the chilly air. I feel my throat form a lump and my cheeks sting a little.

"Don't get caught up thinking about that, alright? I hate seeing you stress and worry. It hurts me. I want you to have a clear mind. What person, place, or thing that you think about makes you calm?" He asks calmly.

You. Whenever I think of you, I feel calm and.. safe. All of the troubles I think of.. disappear. And whenever I'm sad or scared, I think of you first. Why is that..? Why do I always think of you first whenever I'm sad, afraid, or alone?

"Ruby?" I hear Jaune question. I blink back into reality. I pause and look up at him.


His cheeks turn pink and his eyes widen. I can tell he is flustered.

"W-what..?" He questions, his cheeks turning redder and brighter than ever.

"It's you. Whenever I think of you, I feel calm," I answer, smiling warmly at him. I bury my face back into his chest. I can feel and hear his heart beat rapidly in my ear. As I continue smiling to myself with my eyes close, I suddenly feel his grip tighten around me. My cheeks burn as my eyes widen. He chuckles softly.

"Me, huh?" He asks jokingly while giggling, "Well, how would you feel if I said that whenever I think if you I feel calm aswell?" I feel my heart skip a beat. I look up at Jaune and notice his calm, smiling face. His ocean blue eyes shimmer and stare into my silver eyes. He suddenly places his hand on my cheek, pulling me closer to his face. As we approach eachothers faces' slowly, our lips get closer and closer inch by inch. I watch as his eyes close and I do the same with mine. Everything around me pauses. It feels like.. time has stopped and it's just Jaune and I standing here in this moment. My heart stops.

My lips meet with his soft and tender lips. I feel my heart burst with.. with something l've never felt before..


(DISCONTINUED) 《Roses are Red》 Jaune Arc X Ruby Rose ~ Lancaster || RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now