Chapter 18: Helping Ren

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(Jaune's POV)

After Ruby and I had cupcakes, we left to head to the beach. She wanted to put her feet in the water apparently. I felt bad if I said no because I was afraid, I had a phobia of water, so I said yes and now we are on our way.

"I'm so excited!" She said, smiling brighter than ever. I smiled. I looked away in fear.

"You'll be fine! I'll be here with you! Always!" She said, wrapping her arm around me and hugging me. I felt a bit more confident. I took a deep breath and looked over at her.

"Thanks," I said, smiling nervously. Soon after, we arrived and there were tons of adults and kids. I saw Ruby run ahead of me, taking off her flip flops and running with her arms sprawled out and flailing in the air. I chuckled. She slowed down as she neared the beach and proceeded to place her feet in the water. I made sure to stay as far away as possible, but also close just to ensure her safety.

"Rare seeing you here," I heard a female voice said. I looked over and saw Nora holding Ren's hand.

"Uh- I'm just here to admire the view!" I stuttered. Nora looked over at Ruby and grinned at me.

"The view?" She smirked. Ren began laughing.

My cheeks began burning so badly.

"N-N-N-No! I-I-I didn't mean it like that! I meant scenery!" I said, yelling. I felt so embarrassed that I had to look away.

"Alright," Nora chuckled.

"Why are you down here though?" Ren spoke up.

"Ruby wanted to put her feet in the water and just chill, so I came with her," I replied.

"So are you two on a date?" Nora asked.

"N-N-No!" I yelled.

"NORA!!" Ruby gasped.

"Hi!" Nora replied, waving. Ruby began running out of the water to grab Nora's hand. She tugged her into the water and began playing tag. I chuckled.

"She's such a child," I whispered to myself.

"What was that?" Ren asked, looking at me.


It was pure silent now.

"Hey, let's go sit over here," Ren said, pointing over to a rock covered with shade.

"Alright," I followed him. We sat on the rock and he looked over at me.

"So, how've you been?" He asked. I looked away.

"Fine, I guess. I just.. feel bad," I answered.

"How so?" He asked.

"I'm hanging with Ruby and i'm completely ignoring Pyrrha, like as if I never knew her," I said, truthfully.

"Jaune, you can't think that way. Pyrrha would love for you to do this. She doesn't want you to keep mourning her, she'd want you to live your life happily and in peace," Ren explained.

"Really?" I ask, looking at him.

"Yes," He replied, "Jaune, we need to get over it okay? I understand it can be hard and painful, but it will be like this and you're not alone. Remember when Penny died? Ruby wouldn't stop crying. Ruby loved her so much, but now she's gotten over it. She still remembers her, but she knows Penny wouldn't want her to live her life in mourning," Ren said. He did have a point.

"Don't feel bad Jaune, okay?" He patted my back, "Do what you want to do, don't let her death hold you back. She will always be with you, and she will be happy" Ren smiled.

"Thanks, Ren. I appreciate it," I smiled. I now felt less worried and stressed. It felt as if a huge rock was just pulled out of me.. weirdly.

"No problem, I'm always here.. We're always here," He said, glancing off at the girls.

"So, do you like her?" He asked.

"Who?!" I asked.

"Ruby, of course," He said. I looked away in embarrassment.

"I do, but I don't only like her-"

"You love her?" He asked looking at me with a grin. I nod.

"Heh, don't worry. I was the same way with Nora, she had that.. cute personality that drew me in and I loved her for a long time and I still do. My love for her grows each day. I wonder if the day I propose to her will ever happen," He dozed off, "Sounds cheesy right? Sorry. I just really love her," He said.

"Are you two still dating?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Just ask her to be your girlfriend already, it's been like what.. 6 months since you've been dating. Be confident and do it," I replied.

"I will, I will, I just haven't found the right time," He said.

"I can help," I offered.


"Yeah! I'll set up a date with you two, but it won't be a normal date. Me and Ruby will be cooking and serving your food for you two! We'll set it up out here in this spot!" I said, excited.

"Wait, really?" He asked, shocked.

"Yeah! I've had it planned for a long time," I said, "and this is like win win thing. You lectured me and I have a planned date for you and Nora!" I happily said. I stood up.

"Wow, I.. I really appreciate this, thanks!" Ren said, shocked.

"It's no problem," I smiled.

"Let's get back to the girls, come on!" Ren began troting over to them. I followed.

I wish I had the confidence to ask Ruby to be my girlfriend.. but.. does she even like me..?

(DISCONTINUED) 《Roses are Red》 Jaune Arc X Ruby Rose ~ Lancaster || RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now