Chapter 14: Was it my fault?

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(Ruby's POV)

After sometime of getting into more comfortable clothes, me and Jaune made our way out to the sandy beach. It was currently midnight right now, so we are a bit tired, but I'm still happy we went. The beach is breathtaking at nighttime.

We were just walking down the stairway when Jaune suddenly spoke up.

"Hey Ruby! Look!" Jaune pointed to a large cliff that views over the beach.

"Oh yeah," I said, running ahead of Jaune and towards the steep cliff. It was pretty high, but I wasn't as scared of heights as I used to be. Luckily, there was a path that led up to the cliff.

Racing ahead, I giggled knowing that Jaune was probably struggling to get up the path. After all, it was sloped sideways to the point where you had to literally dig your nails into the dirt to climb up.

I made my way over to a big rock that stuck up from the rest of the other rocks. There was another rock placed next to it conveniently. It was perfect for me and Jaune to sit on. I sat on the left rock and stared at the ocean. The breeze was amazing!

I felt bad for Yang and the others. I kind of wanted my sister to come, but she would've probably messed with me and Jaune. On second thought, I actually am happy she didn't come.

I heard panting and huffing behind me. I turned around and saw Jaune on the ground.

"Help... me, " Jaune struggled to say.

"Ahahaha!" I bursted out laughing.

He stared at me as I stood up and walked over to him. I held out my hand and he grabbed it. Lifting him up, I dusted off the dirt in his blonde hair.

"There you go," I chuckled. I walked over to my rock and sat down. He sat on the rock next to me. I stared off at the night sky full of stars.

"So.. heh," Jaune said awkwardly.

"Way to start off the conversation awkwardly," I state. I looked over to Jaune and saw his red rosy cheeks gleam in the moonlight.

"Can we talk about you for a change?" He asks me. I stare at him and stare back at the dark blue sky.

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask him.

"I don't know, like.." He pauses. "How have you been holding up since, you know," He says, looking over at me with a concerned look. I look down at my lap.

"I'm not sure how to answer that.." I looked over at him.

"What do you mean?" He asks me.

"I just have so many emotions i'm all feeling at once and it's making me overwhelmed.. At this point, I don't even know what to feel.." I reply.

I look down at my lap. I see Jaune looking at me when I glance over at him.

"I've had that same feeling before," He said.

"Was it this hard for you?" I asked.

"It will be hard," he sighed.

"I just.. I was right there when it happened.. Why didn't I do anything? I could've saved her.. But.." A lump formed in my throat, "But I didn't.."

"Don't you even dare blame yourself!" Jaune yelled. I sat there in a silence as to Jaune's scream. I stared down at my lap, tears streaming out of my eyes like a waterfall.


Before I knew it, I felt something on my lips. It felt as if the everything had paused in the world; the wind, the cars zooming down the roads, the stars twinkling. My eyes were widened by Jaune's hands cupping my face. Was he..

K-k-kissing me!?

He lips were so soft and warm. I didn't want to let go. His hands cupped my face. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around him. I felt my heart spark with joy. Why was I so.. happy about Jaune.. K-kissing me?

(DISCONTINUED) 《Roses are Red》 Jaune Arc X Ruby Rose ~ Lancaster || RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now