Chapter 20: Don't Touch Her

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(Ruby's POV)

I see a large rock ahead of me and sit beside it, holding my knees close to my head. Tears still streaming down my cheeks, I hear a rustle behind me. I gasp.

"Hello..?" I ask, almost whispering.

"Hello Ruby," I hear a female voice
say. I look around, but see no-one.

"Who are you?" I ask, fearfully.

"I'm no enemy, I'm friendly, " She said, coming out from her hiding spot. I stare at her.

"P.. Penny..?" I immediately collapse out of shock. My eyes widen immediately and I stare at her.

"Salutations!" She says, raising her hand and smiling.

"Penny.." I run up to her and hug her tightly, "I missed you.." She said, hugging me back, "very much," Her grip tighten and I felt uneasy.

"A prince shouldn't leave her maiden alone.." She said In a deep voice. I let go of her and backed away.

"Penny? What's wrong?" I ask, wiping my eyes.

"Oh nothing's wrong," She twitched as her voice glitched. I backed away as I saw her transform into something else; A large, black, deformed creature. It was a grimm!

I screamed.

(Jaune's POV)

"YOU LEAVE HER ALONE!" I scream. Suddenly, I hear a scream coming from behind me and my eyes widen.

"RUBY!" I holler. Throwing my myself off of the stranger, I sprint towards the scream.

"JAUNE! PLEASE.. HELP!" I hear. Turning a corner, I see Ruby trying to push a grimm off of her. I charge towards and tackle it to the ground. I begin punching and punching until I hear it whimper. I jump off of it and let it loose. It runs and I fall on my back, out of breath.

"Jaune.. i'm so sorry.. " Ruby cries, holding me. I look up at her and smile.

"You don't need to apologize," I say, caressing her cheek with my hand. My cheeks begin burning after I realize what I've been doing. I swipe my hand away and sit up quickly.

"Ruby, you need to warn Ren and Nora. Tell them we've canceled the date," I inform.

"And leave you alone here?" She looks up at me. I sigh.

"Yes, now hurry please," I say. She runs off and I follow her until I reach the stranger who's laying on the ground. I walk over to him and lift him up with his shirt.

"Don't touch Ruby, got it?" I say, glaring at him. He nods. I look away and sigh. After building up my strength, I turn around and punch the guy with all of my strength. I hear a loud thud and he falls to the ground.

(DISCONTINUED) 《Roses are Red》 Jaune Arc X Ruby Rose ~ Lancaster || RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now