Chapter 9: One week Later

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Ruby's POV

It's been.. or what feels like.. forever since I've seen Jaune. He's been in his room for a week, not attending to classes after what..happened.

I know, it doesn't seem long, but its been too long for me. Unless if I'm really that clingy. I just miss him and I really want to see his face again. Nora and Ren have been taking care of. Why can't I help? Mm.. there I go.. being clingy as always.. Ugh.

I stand up. Blake is reading, Weiss is I guess out with Neptune or doing something. Yang is chilling on her bed on her phone.

"Hey Yang?" I say.

She looks over at me then back at her phone. She sits down her phone to her side and sits up and looks up at me.

"Will I get to see Jaune again?" I ask, eyes tearing up a little.

She stands and puts both hands on my shoulders. She smiles and pulls me in for a hug.

"Eventually," She says, on a comforting way.

I sigh in relief, knowing i'll see him soon. Maybe we can go on that beach vacation! Haha yes!

Yang lets go of me and I smile brightly. My smile felt real this time. I felt happy and I haven't felt that way in a long time.

Yang pats my shoulder with one hand, her other hand at her side.

"Come on, lets go grab something to eat," She says, patting my shoulder for a few seconds then wrapping her whole arm around me.

We walk out of the room and close the door behind us. Before we close the door all the way..

"Finally..some alone time.." We hear Blake mumble.

Me and Yang giggle at eachother. I look over at Jaune's door and my smile fades. I stop and sigh. Yang tugs at my shoulder and we begin walking down the hall.

Jaune's POV

I hear Ruby's door open and shut in the pure silence. I sigh.

I want to see her again. I want to say sorry. I need to say sorry.

I cup my hands up to my face and run them upwards on my face. They run through my hair and i stretch my hair furiously, in sadness and anger.

I'm sick of staying in here..

I stand up and gain my balance. I stretch and walk over to the door. Nora and Ren said I should stay here for another week or two, depending on my behavior. I don't understand why they wouldn't let me see Yang, Ruby or even Weiss or Blake.

I completely disobey them and open the door, I peer my head to see if I see Ruby..

I guess she already left.

I open the door to the girl's room slowly and peek in. I don't see anyone so I walk in and sigh.

"What are you doing up?" I hear someone say. I yelp and look up to see Blake. She really blended in with the Black sheets well.

"Uhhhmm.. just wanted to.. uhm,"

"See Ruby? She left with Yang to get something to eat. Anyway, why are you up?" She asks, sitting up and hopping down from her bed and onto the ground.

"I'm sick of not being able to see anyone in that room.. the only faces I've seen are Ren and Nora's, but I really want to see Ruby and apoligize," I say, looking down.

She puts her hand on her hip. She smirks.

"What about write her a note real quick to meet you somewhere so then you two can have some..alone time," She devishly smirks whilst holding out a white sheet of paper at me.

I look up and immediately blush, my cheeks burn.

"W-What?! N-N-No its nothing like th-that! I-I don't like her!" I say, in panic. I made it too obvious from my stuttering.

"Mhmm, well here you go. Quickly now, you probably have about 12 minutes. They usually eat in here a lot cause of Ruby and her.. Awkwardness.." She sighs.

I grab the piece of paper and grab a pen from someone's bedside table. I write down these exact words..


Please meet me on the
I need to see you
I want to see you


I didn't leave my name, I wanted her to find out when she arrived.

I hand Blake the note and she reads it. She looks through the table and grabs a yellow piece of ribbon and wraps it in a bow around the note.

"Why yellow?" I ask.

"It matches your hair," She says, placing the note on Ruby's bed.

I stare at the note for a few seconds.

"Well, go on," Blake says.

"Oh..right!" I say, running out of the room, closing the door behind me. My heart with thumping outrageously.

What is this feeling..?

(DISCONTINUED) 《Roses are Red》 Jaune Arc X Ruby Rose ~ Lancaster || RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now